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Are kegels "bad?"

By Blogger September 25, 2012 - 5:16am

I say --- I STRONGLY say --- "no!" They're not bad. Please read the following article: http://femfusionfitness.com/2012/09/kegels-are-not-bad/

What are your thoughts?

By Blogger September 30, 2012 - 12:07am

Susan --- YES! Agreed.

September 30, 2012 - 12:07am

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Open and honest group about all things related to pelvic health and wellness. Incontinence, prolapse, painful sex, constipation, pelvic tension/pain, how/when/why to do kegels, core fitness for women... All issues/topics are OKAY to talk about!!! If you have issues related to your pelvic health, you are not alone.


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