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Natural beauty after Fifty Join this Group

Menopause Support

By December 18, 2011 - 6:08pm

I'm a 54 year old menopausal women working on creating a blog resource for menopause support, tips & tricks for hot flash chicks. I'd really like to know what you'd like to know more about around this time of your life.

Would it be OK if I asked you to complete a survey I created on Survey Monkey around this time of our life? http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7KKGG6L

Thanks in advance.

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These are women who manage to keep looking beautiful inside and out, through natural healthy ways, without any introduction of technology or artificial means - and attained such beauty even after reaching the golden age of fifty years...


anywhere, across the globe


This Group is Open to all EmpowHER.com members