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narcolepsy idiopathic hypersonia type group Join this Group

Can't sleep? Have you had a sleep test? Not all sleep specialists are good ones.

By January 23, 2011 - 12:04pm

You may have narcolepsy. The type I have is where you cannot sleep. I do not fall alsleep during the day.

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For the type of narcolepsy little known about by most sleep specialists. I cannot sleep at night and do not sleep in the day. I am on Zyrem and it is not even listed in the drug list. Some of the information on Narcolepsy is true on this site, generally is thought of as falling alsleep in the day. Well i flunked my sleep test- F on all counts and no REM at all. Probably because of the accident when I got fibromyalgia along time ago after an accident--I had a bad doctor for years and didn't know it. Finally fgot a sleep test and I flunked it on all stages of sleep, no REM at all. It is a slow process getting well, besides the fibromyalgia, arthritis, etc.


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