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I Lost Weight You Can Too Join this Group

Making healthy choices during holidays is difficult

By April 3, 2013 - 9:00pm

Holidays are the most challenging times when it comes to eating healthy and I don’t expect to lose weight during the holidays. It is hard to keep the weight off and your body healthy while still enjoying yourself this holiday season.
Being health-conscious doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t enjoy the holiday season, but I’m afraid most of us give up our healthy eating habits to “indulge” during the holiday season. When food is served during holiday family gatherings it is difficult to strike a balance between maintaining a healthy diet and joining in with the fun and festivities.
Some people tell me that I should not have these challenges, weak moments, inconsistency issues or whatever we may call it.
I, the successful weight loser, the one that lost 91 pounds and maintained for two years, realized that the natural laws of weight gain (regain) apply to me, too. Yes they do. I start regaining weight when I deviate from the eating method that helped me lose weight. I don’t know why I was so disappointed when I noticed it for the first time.
The good news is that by resuming full compliance with the “Eat Like Me” eating method I can manage to bring back weight to my lovely 170 pounds number. I know now that I need to focus on the situations and circumstances that lead to making poor choices. Making healthy choices during holidays is difficult.

Group Leader


The purpose of this group is to help others who are dealing with the same issues as me. Since I lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off, I believe I am in the position to be able to offer hope to others. I hope that by showing what works for me, I will be able to help you lose weight with no complicated formulas, without exercise, and most important without feeling hungry. My intention is to share with you that it is absolutely doable.


New York


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