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Eating Healthy,Feeling Good Join this Group

Thanks to everyone who has joined our group.

By April 10, 2012 - 10:29am

I see our group has grown up to 16, I am really impressed but we still have alot of work to do with exchanging ideas on good food,snacks and just eating healthy oh and planning ahead on eating healthy for work.I must say I have had alot of ideas from some of you already.I am going grocery shopping on Thursdays so any tips on eating healthy and what to buy I would love your input, Thanks to everyone.

EmpowHER Guest
By Anonymous May 8, 2012 - 4:41pm
Hi willalee, Thanks for sharing this information. Am sure this help many trying to stay healthy and learning how to eat healthy. https://www.empowher.com/diet-amp-nutrition/content/heart-healthy-recipe... Best, Daisy May 8, 2012 - 4:41pm

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People who would like to eat healthy and feel good about changing their lifestyle.I would like to hear from people whom want to be healthy and happy and what healthy types of food they eat or what would they like to change in their lives to make it better one baby step at a time. I believe that what you eat affects how you feel inside.If people would take the time to eat properly their health and well being would change,their energy,mood and sleep. It would simply change their lives.


Healthy Living


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