In 2001, Cybele Pascal discovered that her son had serious food allergies. She set out to learn a new way of cooking, with allergen-free recipes.

Cybele has since written two allergen-free recipe books. She is not new to writing, though recipe books were perhaps a new area to conquer. Cybele is also an award-winning playwright and writer.

Cybele is pleased to see the allergen-free cooking she started for her family is spreading to a greater community.

(Transcribed from interview)

How does it feel to teach others what you have learned about allergen-free cooking?

Cybele Pascal:
It is incredible. All I ever wanted to do I think in my life is help people. I am extremely nurturing. I love animals and children and I used to cook in restaurants as I love to cook. So it’s providing more than just my own family, but an entire community with yummy food, so I sort of feel like I am hosting a dinner party at all times, you know?

It’s great, it’s great, and I, again, I feel like no one should be deprived and this type of food hadn’t really been perfected and as the numbers of people with food allergies grow there are more and more people eating this way and more and more people have multiple food allergies so they deserve to have good food too and I always say, it’s not weird food; it’s just good food and it’s great for anyone. You don’t even have to have food allergies to eat my recipes.

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