For every exuberant mommy Facebook post, there is a silent Internet reader who wonders, “Why can’t I get pregnant?”

(There are also many people thinking, “Thank goodness that isn’t me.” But that is a whole other article for another day.)

If you are on the baby-making train, suddenly the world seems like it is made of diapers and pacifiers.

Biology can completely permeate the way you see the world and if things don’t happen the month you want them to, you might become a little obsessed. I have seen very intelligent, well-rounded friends spiral into a life of ovulation tests and perfectly timed sexual encounters.

Yoga can be a part of the baby-making process. It offers no guarantees of pregnancy, but it can help the woman trying to conceive to relax into what is.

Stress can be one of the culprits of infertility. The practice of yoga encourages women to maintain an inner kindness when in the throes of a major life change. Even trying, itself, is a life change!

If you are going to a class, look for restorative or yin yoga, which are slow flow types of yoga. A class will help to foster community, which in itself can be an incredibly healing tool for any woman attempting to get pregnant.

These three poses are some of the favorite ones that I turn to when I need to check in with myself. These specific poses can help direct blood flow into the lower half of the body and release the hips for a potential inhabitant, but most importantly they are like love letters.

Try these deeply soothing poses as a way to give back to yourself while you are trying to conceive. These poses are also gentle enough for those going through fertility treatments.

1) Supine butterfly pose on a bolster


This will help to stretch out your abdominal area. Take some deep breaths and place your hands on your belly. If you feel any strain in your knees or your ankles, roll blankets and place them underneath your thighs for support. This can be held for up to 15 minutes. I recommend putting an eye pillow on, setting a timer and settling in.

2) Sphinx pose


This pose will move blood flow to the organs in your abdominal area . It is also a great way to stretch out the spine, especially if your lumbar curve has been compressed. If the stretch feels too intense, move your elbows further forward or even lie all the way on your belly, with your hands together to rest the head.

3) Legs up the wall pose 

Sergey Nivens/fotolia

This is one of my favorite poses in almost any stage of life. You can move closer to or further away from the wall, depending on the tightness of your hamstrings.

You can also place a bolster a little away from the wall so that your sitting bones are off of the support but your lower back has contact. Stay for 5 to 15 minutes in this gentle inversion.

Play some music or breathe deeply, committing to your self-care as you might commit to taking a daily vitamin. Improving your holistic health will always be a beautiful way to connect and let go, whether it results in a pregnancy or not.

Reviewed September 20, 2016
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith