Spring is in the air! Hopefully so is the desire to get active and fit! If you aren't motivated yet, try going shopping for shorts, tank tops and bathing suits. That might do the trick!

With spring comes so many fun things to do outside with your kids. Go for adventure hikes and fun bike rides. Go bug catching, bird watching, flower picking, or mushroom hunting. Plant flowers and trees together. Go fishing and/or camping. Check out your local state parks. They are a great place to go and explore and most have nature hikes and marked trails for you and your family to enjoy and great big, fat trees that are perfect to climb! Now is the perfect time.

If you aren't the nature bugs, go find an empty field and build an obstacle course, fly a kite, kick the ball around, throw the frisbies, chase bubbles, play tag or do cartwheels. Play hide and seek and/or chase and run all around. Put on some roller skates or blades while your kids are skate boarding or wave boarding! (or skateboard yourself, just be mindful of the possible injuries!!) Get your chalk out and play hopscotch or jump rope. If it rains, go dance it it and jump in all of the puddles!

If you are lucky enough to live by the beach - go check it out! You most likely wont be able to get in the water but you can have a picnic, build sand castles, look for sea shells and check out all of the cool sea life if the tides are low.

If you don't want to leave your house, just go out into your yard. The art of make believe can be amazing. You can pitch a tent or build a fort and pretend you are camping in the woods. If you are lucky enough to have good trees you can build a tree house! If you have a sandbox you can pretend you are at the beach and build sand castles.

It doesn't really matter what you do. What matters is that you get outside, with your kiddos and get moving. I am sure most of you have been cooped up for the long winter and just itching to get out. Well now you don't have an excuse. The possibilities are endless. Get out there and have fun!
