Do you ever kick yourself and say, "Man, why didn't I think of that?" Well I do, about 10 times a day. Things like the swimming pool noodles - profit margin, oh I'd say about 250% - or those little things that you buy to decorate Crocs - not quite so sure about the profit margin, but I am sure that mom is making a killing.

All of those great, simple ideas that lead to lots of money. Actually, I think I have invented about 100 things, but always find them to already be invented. Oh well, it is what it is.

Well I just found this awesome website - run2rhythm. It is a website that sells music based on the tempo you want to run. WHAT A FABULOUS IDEA. For example, if you want to run a 10 minute mile, you would purchase a session or album that has music playing at 160 beats per minute. If you want to run a 6 minute mile, you would purchase a session or album of songs playing 171 beats per minute. This is amazing. It takes out all of the guess work. You don't have to measure your stride or calibrate your watch, you just run, keeping your steps to the beat. I love it.

They have a nice variety of genres and offer you recommended playlists for 5K's, 10K's, Half Marathons and Full Marathons. Like I said - it takes out all of the guess work. I really believe this is something every runner should try and I strongly recommend you checking out their website. Whether you are a new runner or a seasoned veteran, I think you will love this. It may make your run more enjoyable and may even help you PR!! Man, why didn't I think of this!