We are all looking for the fountain of youth. That one thing that can turn back time and make us look ten years younger. Well, exercise just may be the ticket.

We all know that regular exercise makes us feel younger and studies have proven that it can help you live longer, but what about actually making you look younger. Dr. Ulrich Laufs and his team at the University of Saarlandes in Saarbrucken, Germany did a study with 104 people and found that 50-year-old adults who had exercised vigorously over a lifetime, such as marathon runners or endurance athletes, appeared biologically younger –sometimes decades younger— than healthy people the same age who were not active.

This new study in the journal Circulation, shows that vigorous exercise may be inducing a natural anti-aging effect that goes right down to our DNA. To learn and read more, click here.

Need another reason to get on the exercise train? Hey, it's cheaper and better for you than plastic surgery. Remember 150 minutes a week of cardiovascular exercise is the recommended requirement from the American College of Sports Medicine.