Taking time out of your busy college schedule to exercise is probably not at the top of your to-do list. Especially when exercise means leaving your room and going to the gym it can be hard. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis found that 70 percent of college students gain “a significant amount of weight” between the start of freshman year to the end of sophomore year. Exercise is definitely an important part of staying healthy and making sure "The Freshmen 15" do not come to haunt you. Making sure that you take 15 to 30 minutes every day will help you concentrate and keep away the pounds. Here are just a few simple ways to exercise without joining a gym or even leaving your room.

Walk: If you live within walking distance of your classes, then do it! Walking to class is a great way to get your daily dose of exercise, especially when you walk quickly (like you are late for class). You may not be walking for very long, but every little bit that you do helps.

Take the Stairs: Instead of waiting for those pesky elevators you should take the stairs. They are a great workout for your back end, and you don’t have to stand next to people you do not really know.

Yoga is your Friend: Yoga is really good for your body and can help with stress, weight loss and just overall better health. There are lots of fun tips online and there are also many free podcasts on iTunes to help you get started. All you need is a pair of comfy pants and a mat and you are ready to go!

Furniture as gym equipment: Using chairs and desks as exercise equipment is a great way to make the most use of the your small room space. Using a chair for crunches or push-ups is different than how most people do it but they are an effective workout when you are in a tight space. You could also try getting a stability ball and balancing on it while doing your homework instead of sitting in a chair.

So get out your yoga mat or walking shoes and get to exercising!