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After Pupil Dilation, When WIll Vision Return To Normal? - Dr. Reckell (VIDEO)

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Dr. Reckell explains when an individual's vision will return to normal after pupil dilation is performed by an eye doctor.

Dr. Reckell:
There’s different strengths of dilation medications that we use. With what we use here, normally it’s two to three hours that the drops will be worn off, that the patient can return to basic normal function. Mainly the vision up close is affected for focusing, reading, so if you have to read right away that’s going to be a challenge after a dilation.

When you go outdoors your eyes are going to be dilated so we give dark lenses to counter that effect. So most people can return to their normal day-to-day activities, but if you were going to be reading some legal documents or need to read some very small print, it is going to be a good three hours before you should do something like that.

About Dr. Susan Reckell, O.D.:
Dr. Susan L. Reckell graduated from Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris University in 1984. She holds optometry licenses in Arizona and Michigan. With more than 23 year of experience, she currently works as an optometrist at Riviera Opticare Inc.

Visit Dr. Reckell at Riviera Opticare Inc.

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