Dr. Hudson shares if there are any new clinical trials on endometriosis that women need to know about.
Dr. Hudson:
Yeah, the best recent thing I know about a natural substance in endometriosis is on pine bark also known as pignoginol and I don’t know that I can remember the exact details but essentially they compared the pignoginol to a drug called Lupron in a very randomized official kind of study and the women in the pignoginol group had a 33% reduction in their symptoms and these were women who had severe endometriosis, already had surgery and still had pain after the surgery.
So they were difficult cases and so they had 33% reduction in their pain from the pignoginol, the lupus drug worked better but it’s a drug you can’t stay on for a long time because it has lots of complications, it basically would put you in the menopause forever and at 25 that’s generally considered kind of uncool.
So that’s simple, it’s inexpensive, it’s safe, that’s the latest natural medicine substance and I saw a recent conventional medicine study on endometriosis using what are called aroma taste inhibitors. These are generally breast cancer drugs but they inhibit how the estrogen stimulates endometriosis and that’s an exciting new area in conventional medicine also and they’re developing lots of immune. . . Basically natural medicine and conventional medicine are starting to come at endometriosis similarly which is, “What’s wrong with the immune system, let’s focus on that and we can do a better job in helping women.”
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