Stress combined with questionable eating habits can pack a powerful one-two punch. The truth is, though, stress often leads us to poor eating habits, which can then lead us to weight gain and discomfort in a very short amount of time.

Our personal reactions to stress and anxiety are highly individual, but when it comes to diet and health, the consequences of stress can often be uncontrolled eating or poor eating habits. This is true whether the source of stress is from a major life-changing event, or the residual build-up of a number of difficult personal events. For those of us who tend to react to stress by eating more (that‘s me, and I often don‘t notice it while it‘s happening), it's very good to focus on some positive reactions that won't lead to a cycle of unwanted weight gain and depression.

Add Some Structure to Your Life

If you're going through a tough time and your life is hectic, chances are you don't take much time to plan regular meals, don’t get enough sleep, and your energy level is low. All of this makes it very easy to just eat whatever is available and quick - poor food choices and high calorie snacks. While we don’t often have much control over the events that cause stress, we do have control over how we react, including how much we eat, and what we choose to put into our bodies.

At times like these, it's really important to build some structure into your eating habits. Some strategies that limit your choices of food and your opportunity to eat can really help when you don't have the time or mindset to think. Here's a few rules to help you keep it simple:

1. Try not to skip meals - eat at least regular three meals a day, along with a few simple snacks (like apples, a banana). Although we all try to eat less frequently to lose weight, we should all shy away from skipping meals too often and eating too little food. To do so actually stresses your body and mind more and cuts your energy levels.

2. Try to eat at the same time each day, spacing your meals and snacks out about every three or four hours. If you haven't overeaten at the last meal, you will likely be hungry within about four hours. Eat smaller meals and snacks more often.

3. Separate eating from other activities. If you have a hectic schedule or stress makes you feel hurried, you will be tempted to eat while doing other things like driving or working. When we’re busy, we don’t always realize just how much we’ve eaten. While this is always a good idea, it is even more important if you are under a lot of stress. Hectic meals can lead to poor digestion, poor food choices, and feeling bad - which leads to even more stress. "I don't have time to eat is” is no longer an excuse.

4. A stressful time is the absolute best time to try and eat in a very structured way - and to try and buy some healthy, packaged meals. If you choose wisely, you’ll find some of these choices are really quite healthy, and have the added benefit of delivering a controlled amount of food and calories, which will reduce your chances of overeating.

5. While supplemental vitamins and minerals are not always the best way to give your body the nutrition you need, taking a multivitamin with adequate levels of Vitamins B and C, calcium, and zinc is not a bad idea, especially during stressful times. This can also help if you're trying to reduce your calorie intake and lose weight.

Stress and Exercise & Dieting

There are so many good reasons to exercise, but reducing stress is at the top of the list.

Do yourself a big favor and make sure physical activity is part of your daily routine. This is really important if you are feeling stressed and anxious. The short term effects of exercise actually increase the body's stress level - increased heart rate, increased need for fuel, stress on muscles and joints, increased blood pressure. But the opposite is true in the long term. People who exercise regularly typically have lower resting heart rates, better blood pressure, and a higher degree of fitness that helps their body cope with stressful events.

It can feel “comforting” to fill yourself up with your favorite foods when you’re really stressed. But it is far healthier to find healthy ways to combat the stress so you don’t feel even worse when stress and anxiety subside.

In the meantime, stock up on healthier foods in case you do encounter a stressful situation and can’t help reaching for the refrigerator door. Here are five foods that can help diminish stress-related hunger:

Yogurt-Its minerals include calcium, which helps regulate nerve impulses, and its probiotics aid digestion

Broccoli and kale-Leafy green vegetables help boost the immune system, vulnerable during stressful times

Salmon-Omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium inhibit the release of cortisol (the stress hormone) which is often linked to belly fat

Whole-grain carbs-These foods trigger the production of serotonin, which is one of the body's natural soothers

Blueberries-They not only contain antioxidants for heart health, they also provide fiber, which regulates blood sugar making you naturally less anxious

So exercise, stock up on some sensible, healthy foods and do some deep breathing instead of grabbing that tablespoon and a pint of Cherry Garcia. You’ll feel better later, promise.