Thanksgiving weekend for us includes pie for breakfast, mindless snacking, and four days of throwing in the towel on any semblance of a healthy diet. Recover from your days of indulgence by sticking to this plan and get your body feeling healthy again right in time for the season of jolliness.

Water Is Your Best Friend. Forego all other beverages for water, lots and lots of water. Drink a few extra glasses this week to flush out excess sodium, sugar, and toxins from your system.

Go-ga to Yoga. Stretching, sweating, and strengthening is exactly what your body is craving after a weekend of extravagance. Fit in a few extra yoga classes or hours of exercise this week to recover.

Herbal Detox Tea. Do without coffee and caffeine for a few days and sip on herbal teas like dandelion, cardamom, and fresh mint to rev up your metabolism.

Breakfast. Keep your first meal of the day light and simple. Stick to a bowl of nonfat Greek yogurt with some fruit and a sprinkle of cinnamon or some hearty, filling oatmeal.

Lunch. Opt for a bowl of homemade vegetable or gentle miso soup paired with a veggie-packed green salad for lunchtime.

Snacks. Say sayonara to salty and sugary snacks for a few days and limit your snack time to fresh fruits, veggie sticks, and sugarfree yogurt.

Dinner. Go easy on your belly with a dinner of lentils and brown rice paired with steamed veggies. Finish the meal off with a cup of hot water with lemon to keep your body burning those unwanted calories.

Think Healthy. Eat sodium, meat, dairy, and sugar sparingly for a few days to put you right back on the healthy train.


10 Ways to Detoxify Your Body by Debrahann Smith. Galam Inc. Web 28 Nov. 2011.

Thanksgiving, The Day After: 7 Health And Beauty Tips. The Huffington Post by Catherine Pearson Posted: 11/25/11. Web 28 Nov. 2011.

Reviewed November 29, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith