If you’re anything like me, you love making New Years resolutions. A new year means a clean slate, a chance to make all your wrongs right again. In the past, I’ve tended to make a lengthy list of resolutions that includes everything from exercising every day, training for a marathon, and cutting out carbs ’til June.

Unsurprisingly, by the time Valentines Day rolls around, my resolutions are long forgotten and I’m back to pepperoni pizza and the occasional yoga class. Ugh.

This year I’m resolving not to resolve. Instead of making lofty goals that I probably won’t stick to, I’m choosing to make a few small but doable changes. Here are five suggestions of New Years resolutions that even the most un-resolvable of us can stick to:

1. Drink More Water. Oftentimes when you feel hungry, you’re actually dehydrated. From keeping your body detoxified to keeping your energy high, water is essential to overall health and weight management. Resolve to drink up in 2012.

2. Eat Breakfast. There are so many days when I rush out of the house with nothing but a cup of coffee (if that) for breakfast. This leads to me gorging and over-eating at lunch and dinner. Whether it’s oatmeal, an apple with nut butter, or a breakfast bar, I’m making breakfast a priority in 2012.

3. Move Three to Four Times a Week. Resolving to wake up at 5 a.m. and run five miles is a recipe for failure. Instead, I'm resolving to get some type of movement three to four times a week. From a brisk walk to a 20-minute on demand exercise video, everything and anything counts.

4. Watch My Portions. Cutting carbs and shunning sugar is a surefire way to fall off the healthy train. Instead of slashing entire food groups, I'm resolving to eat what I want, but eat less. I'll have a small sliver of ice cream cake instead of a six-inch mound. Have one serving of pasta (preferably whole wheat!) instead of three.

5. Drink Less Alcohol. There’s no more deadly form of empty calories than sugar-filled cocktails. I'm resolving to keep my drinking to weekends and sticking to no more than three glasses per sitting.

Stick to these simple tricks to make 2012 your healthiest year yet. Happy New Year!

Edited by Jody Smith