We've all been there. We're heading home from work, exhausted and hungry and rapidly losing our motivation to go to they gym.

The moment we get home we end up scarfing whatever we find in the fridge and foregoing our noble health goals.

Instead of getting caught in this hunger-rut, keep these five perfectly balanced pre-workout snacks readily available to grab before you sweat.

Banana: Portable, delicious, and packed with potassium, there is no better pre-workout snack than a banana. It’s the perfect balance of good-for-you carbs and cramp-busting potassium to fuel you for an hour (or more) of bum-kicking boot camp.

Apple + Almond Butter: A small apple (or half of a large one) with a tablespoon of almond butter curb your appetite and fuel your workout. It’s an idyllic blend of healthy carbs and protein to keep you energized and keep your muscles primed for exercise.

Carrots + Hummus: Low in calories and packed with nutritious and delicious carbs, carrots are the perfect pre-Zumba food. Pair a handful with a tablespoon or two of protein-laden hummus and you’ll be ready to kick your own booty right into shape.

Toast: The enemy of diet-lovers everywhere, carbs are actually the perfect food to give you energy. A slice of whole wheat toast, an English muffin, or tortilla (sans butter or cream cheese) is a great before-workout pick-me-up.

Fruit and Yogurt Smoothie: Blend together a handful of your favorite berries with a few spoons of yogurt and some ice, to give you just the right amount of energy to keep you moving fast and feeling good.


5 Foods to Fuel Your Workout. Ivillage. Retrieved Jan. 18 2012

Pre-Workout Snacks. WebMD. Retrieved Jan. 18 2012

Reviewed January 31, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith