Exercise is important for all of us. For me, as a diabetic woman, it is especially important to maintain blood glucose (BG) control, weight management and overall physical and emotional health.

The weather is slowly cooling off for most of the country. That means there are more opportunities to be outside and in the fresh air. It is also leading into the season for Diabetes Awareness.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. In my town of Phoenix, AZ, the American Diabetes Association is hosting its Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes in October.

The local Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation hosts their Walk to Cure Diabetes in November. Both of these organizations do wonderful things to support people living with diabetes.

I find that participating in a health walk does great things for your health. First, it is good exercise. It also is a good visual reminder for the amount of support that people living with diabetes have in their own community.

It is emotionally healthy to realize no one has to fight this disease alone. It is also a great way to see new vendors and products that are available for all of your diabetes health concerns.

No matter what town I have lived in, I try to participate in these walks. Sometimes I fundraise and sometimes I just walk. There is no required method.

Some years the emotional support is strengthening for me. Other years it is the actual walking and preparing for some of the more rigorous exercise activities.

These walks or bike rides for diabetes help strengthen family and friendships as well. It is a great way for those with health concerns to show that they can participate in many activities. It is good for children to witness and parents alike.

Incorporating an exercise regimen into your daily lifestyle is a good health habit. Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

However, let this autumn season with its inspiring and healthful walks remind you to get active and stay active for good diabetes control and overall health.

Check with your local diabetes organizations to find out when a walk, ride or other healthy fundraiser activity will be available in your area for participation.

By Marianne Tetlow “The Diabetes Coach”
The Diabetes Coach is a comprehensive resource and consulting group for individuals or families with a loved one dealing with diabetes. “Helping You To Move Forward While Managing the Ups and Downs”


The American Diabetes Association. www.diabetes.org September 11, 2012

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. www.jdrf.org September 11, 2012

Reviewed September 24, 2012
by MIchele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith