Diabetes is a difficult disease to deal with. Number counting: the blood sugars, the carbs, the insulin dosages, etc; the lows and the highs; and pokes: fingers and otherwise. But, we also know that all of these are “necessary evils.” Taking care of diabetes is difficult in such a carefree society, but what’s the alternative to not taking care of yourself?

For those who are tired of caring for your diabetes, I'm with you. But, I know I cannot skip out on my responsibilities. Yes, it is difficult to maintain a good blood sugar, and yes, it is hard to manage diabetes when you have homework, social engagements, family issues, etc. But, don’t you want to be around long enough to keep enjoying all of these things? No matter what circumstance I am put in, I always try to keep my diabetes in mind. But, I do not try and push the others things out to make room for diabetes.

It is so important to have balance while living with diabetes. Yes, you can keep the fun aspects of life: friends, family, favorite foods, TV shows, music, pictures and memories, but, you also have to keep track of your health.

I know the feeling, “Nobody else knows what I’m going through.” I said that all the time when I was younger. But I now realize that no one can take care of my diabetes except me.

I could talk to ten diabetics who have been through the same experience, and each one of use would have handled it differently. Just remember that everyone has that little something that they have to keep track of. my “little thing” is diabetes.

Don’t let diabetes control your life, but put yourself in control of your diabetes. Yes, this still means you will have shots, pokes, juice boxes, carb counting and those awkward questions, but you will be in charge. Not your diabetes.

You are the one that has to take care of yourself. No one else can do this for you. Don’t let diabetes control your life. You can control your diabetes.