April 11, 2008 is a date I will always remember.

It’s the day when a nurse came into the exam room at my doctor’s office and announced “You have Type 2 diabetes.”

(In case you are wondering, I didn’t just mistype. It really was a nurse who told me and not my usual doctor. But we’ll get to that later, I promise).

Rather than look at this diagnosis as a permanent condition that would rule my life forever, I decided right then and there to declare war on diabetes, and not let it win.

And so, from that point on, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. And I’m happy to report that the battle is going very very well, and I’m emerging victorious.

For some time, I’ve wanted to share my story with people, for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, I want to help others who have been recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I hope my story will inspire them and give them hope, and most of all show them that this “chronic” and “irreversible” disease is sometimes neither.

Recently, Michelle Robson and her team at EmpowHer invited me to become a HerWriter. With Michelle’s commitment to women’s health, I figured this would be the perfect forum in which to share my story.

Over the course of the next several weeks, I’ll take you from early April, 2008 (when my symptoms first started) to now. And then I’ll continue to keep you posted on how things go from here on out.

I am excited to share my story with you, and honored that someone might read it. I just hope and pray it will help someone. If it does, then I’ll know that April 11, 2008 was not just an important date for me, but for those who might also benefit from what I’ve been through.