There are some individuals who drink coffee (caffeine) and are worried that it may worsen or even cause depression. Today, there is very little evidence to link caffeine and depression. Despite the fact that caffeine is a brain stimulant, it does worsen depression in a fair number of individuals.

Why this brain stimulant induces depression is a mystery. There are suggestions that caffeine may alter blood sugar levels and this may be one cause for the mood alterations.

Other experts claim that perhaps caffeine induces a severe state of alertness and anxiety and thus the individual is no longer able to sleep or function properly and hence gets depressed

The number of individuals whose depression is worsened by caffeine is not known. In any case, if your depression gets worse after consuming caffeine, one should limit the intake of caffeine-containing beverages. The caffeine beverages should be gradually deceased because abrupt discontinuation of caffeine can also lead to mild withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, lethargy, irritability, and anxiety. There are a few anecdotal reports indicating that lessening caffeine intake can lessen the severity of depression.

Caffeine is not as bad as what is made out in the lay media. It does have a few proven health benefits including the ability to improve alertness, increasing concentration and allowing one to be more sociable.

A number of French studies have shown, a daily cup of coffee can lead to a lesser degree of cognitive impairment with age. However, despite its potential benefits, too much caffeine also has adverse effects. For the depressed individual, the trick is to consume the right balance of caffeine.