If you're thinking about having your surgery in the doctor's office, there are advantages and disadvantages. The office might be convenient, private, and have more amenities than a hospital or ambulatory care center (non-emergency, outpatient facility). But it may not be safe. Don't assume that the doctor has the right credentials or the right equipment to keep you safe in the office.

Contact these organizations to find out your doctor's education, licensure, and board certification in addition to the doctor's or ambulatory care center's accreditation:

Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. (AAHC)
- Accredits physician offices with surgical facilities.
Phone: 847-853-6060

American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) - Certifies ambulatory surgery facilities and provides practice guidelines for surgeons working in ambulatory surgical facilities.
Phone: 888-545-5222

American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)/ The American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS)
- All of the surgeons listed through this service are ASPS members who are board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. They have graduated from an accredited medical school and completed at least five years of surgical residency, usually three years of general surgery and two years of plastic surgery.
Phone: 847-228-9900

Federation of State Medical Boards (FCVS)
- FCVS verifies medical education, postgraduate training, licensure examination history, board action history, and identity.
Phone: 817-868-4043

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