Regardless of sex, the digestive process slows with time. However, men and women process this phenomenon very differently.

Men can relate many things to a car, just read Men’s Health magazine and see metaphors to motors, transmissions and engines. Women assimilate their concerns and issues more easily to clothes.

With digestion being the topic, a nice cocktail dress seems an appropriate choice of clothing- both complex and necessary.

If black is the universal color for a cocktail dress, enzymes are the universal necessity in a digestive system. Every woman knows that a good dress must be versatile and withstand the comings and goings of trends; the same is true with enzymes.

By definition, enzymes are protein substances that expedite the processing of foods, like fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Each individual enzyme is unique, like the endless possibility of colors for a dress, yet, like black- enzymes are necessary for the perfect combination.

With respect to the aging process of the digestive system, it’s necessary to understand that everything deserves and needs maintenance. Like a black, cotton sateen shift that needs dry cleaning and proper storage, the digestive system needs fibrous foods and plenty of water.

In addition to proper hydration, consistent awareness is also helpful. Knowing your body’s metabolic rate can assist in regularity and the maintenance of your body’s natural rhythm.

Unfortunately, no matter the quality of care taken to maintain one’s body, wear and tear is inevitable; therefore old age will naturally slow the processes of metabolizing food. The key to the slowed process is not always a lack of maintenance measures, but a mere lack of possibility to turn around damage.

In other words, let’s say we have a royal blue, knee length chiffon dress. In relation to color, it’s close to black, but not quite there. If the dress were a digestive system it would be fair to say that most of the proper reactions are occurring, but the rate of digestion at any given rate isn’t optimal.

Over time, the lack of optimal treatment will produce long lasting damages like some ulcers in the stomach or fatty deposits on the liver, etc. The lack of the most desirable color in this dress equates to the lack of optimal treatment of one’s digestive system; thus leading to irreversible damage. The irreversible damage to the dress could be a result of improper storage. Maybe the owner decided to store the dress in an extra closet, not affording a proper stowage bag, or, the owner wore the dress out without checking the weather and got caught in the rain- she didn’t care enough about the dress to bring an umbrella and now the silk is permanently damaged.

Like a ruined silk cocktail dress, improper care of one’s body can result in permanent damage. Take care of digestive system as you would that lovely chiffon dress. Know what you’re putting into your body. The more natural, the better. Keep your foods colorful, high in fiber and whole grained.

Think of hydration as a daily dusting of your closet. Water helps your body cleanse itself so it can recognize what’s there to utilize. While dusting your closet, you can remind yourself of the beautiful dresses you already own.