Encylopedia entry for Thoracentesis.
Thoracentesis(Pleural Fluid Aspiration; Pleural Tap)
Encylopedia entry for BCG Vaccine.
BCG Vaccine(Tuberculosis Vaccine) by
Encylopedia entry for Pulmonary Lobectomy.
Pulmonary Lobectomy(Removal of a Lung Lobe) by
Encylopedia entry for Tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis(TB) by Mic
Encylopedia entry for International Travel Information: Tuberculosis.
Encylopedia entry for Heart Transplant.
Heart Transplant by ]]>Editorial Staff and Contributors]]>
Encylopedia entry for Liver Transplant.
Liver Transplant by ]]>Editorial Staff and Contributors]]>
Encylopedia entry for Pulmonary Function Tests.
Pulmonary Function Tests(PFT) by
Encylopedia entry for Ethambutol.
EthambutolTrade Names
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