The major health problem over the globe is obesity and is reaching to an epidemic proportion in the society of western world. Evidences are known to accumulate the major risk factors of obesity for many disorders which are related with remarkable morbidity and mortality.
What is Bariatric surgery?
Bariatric surgery is a surgical process on the stomach and/or part of digestive system that is intestine which helps patients with overweight and obesity to get in shape by losing significant weight. This surgery is a possibility for individuals who can't get thinner or lose weight by different means or who experience the ill effects of genuine health issues identified with weight. The surgery confines food consumption, which leads weight reduction. A few surgeries additionally hinder how food is processed, keeping a few calories and supplements, for example, and vitamins, from being ingested means absorbed. Studies propose that bariatric surgery may even lower mortality percentage or death rates for patients with serious weight. The best results happen when patients take after surgery with adhering to a good diet and beneficiary exercise regularly.
How is the Bariatric surgery performed?
1. Gastric bypass - Most common procedure used globally gastric bypass. It is also called as The Roux-en-Y Gastric and is considered the ‘gold standard’ of weight loss surgery.
Procedure has two parts. Part one involves creating a small pouch in the stomach.
The specialist separates the stomach into a huge segment, and a much smaller one. This is also called "stomach stapling," the little piece of the stomach is sewn or stapled together to make a pocket, which can hold just a glass or less amount of food.
With smaller size of stomach, individuals feel full quickly and eat less. This procedure is likewise called “restrictive," since the new stomach size confines the amount of food it can hold.
Part Two involves Bypass
The specialist detaches the new, little stomach pocket from the first piece of the small digestive tract (the duodenum), and controlling ingestion of calories and supplements in the patient’s body. This weight loss technique is called "Malabsorptive."
2. Sleeve Gastrectomy - Here, near about 80 % of the stomach part is removed. The rest of the stomach remaining is in shape of banana. The new stomach pocket holds an extensively small volume than the ordinary stomach and serves to altogether lower the amount of nourishment (and along these lines calories) that can be devoured.
3. Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS) Gastric Bypass - a littler, tubular stomach pocket is made by uprooting a part of the stomach, fundamentally the same to the sleeve Gastrectomy. Next, a substantial segment of the small digestive system is bypassed.
Does Bariatric surgery is really work for weight loss?
Bariatric surgery is as of now the main methodology that gives a important, maintained weight loss for butterball shaped patients, with resultant change in overweight related comorbidities. A forthcoming, controlled Swedish study including 4047 overweighed patients, 50% of whom had experienced bariatric techniques, caught up more than 14.7 years, found that contrasted with common consideration, bariatric surgery was connected with an altogether diminished number of cardiovascular mortality and a lower rate of cardiovascular occasions in people with obesity.
The study proves bariatric surgery a success which really works and expands life for many people suffering with morbid obesity.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Bariatric surgery?
Surgical procedures be it any, bariatric surgery has both benefits and risks. If the patient is not morbidly obese, bariatric surgery risks are very far and the expected health benefits of weight loss.
• Weight loss by following procedures, many people sees rapid weight loss and continues to do so for 18 to 36.
• The surgery gives improved health by treating many obesity-related health conditions, including: Diabetes, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Sleep apnea.
• People get quality of life and better standard of living. Also self esteem of patient is observed to be increased.
Disadvantages are not much but if it is surgical procedure, some difficulties are there.
• Anesthesia-related risks
• Chronic nausea and vomiting
• Dilation of esophagus
• Inability to eat certain foods
• Infection
• Obstruction of stomach
• Weight gain or failure to lose weight
Is this surgery safe for me?
Bariatric surgery is widely divided into many types. An expert will advise the patient correct type he/ she needs by studying personal health situations and conditions. This surgery is practiced laparoscopic and open methods. This makes a safe process.
It is necessary to chose righteous and experienced surgeon and best facilities to lower down the risks and complications.
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