Low energy really puts a drag on your day – and your longevity plans! Energy normally fluctuates according to daily rhythms, which can vary from person to person, but in general we have more energy in the morning and wind down toward the evening. If you are feeling a constant drag on your day, you might have chronic low energy. For most, low energy doesn’t happen overnight but sneaks up on you over time. Luckily, this is completely curable!
Causes of Low Energy
The foremost cause of low energy is stress. Coping with stress requires a lot of energy, leaving the average person completely drained. Poor diet is another contributing factor. Instead of eating foods that provide sustained energy, most people eat far too much foods that supplies a rapid burst of energy in the form of simple sugars that quickly burn out, leaving the body depleted. Another factor is lack of exercise. Exercise helps us deal with daily stress, but without it, the body is rapidly depleted of vital energy.
Energy: The Chinese Medical View
Energy equals quality of life. In Chinese medicine, qi (pronounced “chee”) refers to life force. The level and quality of a person’s qi redefines how he or she feels. Chinese medicine recognized the concept of vital energy thousands of years ago and has developed a full understanding of the essential functions and role of qi in health and wellness. Chinese medicine has produced effective ways to bolster energy, making use of acupressure, exercise, superfoods, herbs, and dietary supplements that help you tap into the energy within your being.
Here are 3 natural energy boosts for spring.
1. Energize with Breakfast
You are what you eat, but also when you eat. The human body follows a circadian rhythm, and because of this cycle, the foods eaten at breakfast and lunch are processed differently than the same foods when eaten later. Start the day right with a breakfast that gives you the energy you need to function all day long. Studies have shown that when you eat your daily protein and fat at breakfast, you tend to lose weight and have more energy; however, eating the same things at dinner tends to increase tendencies toward weight gain, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
2. Up Your Energy with Refreshing Scents
You can change the air you breathe into a remedy for fatigue. Research has shown that when you stimulate the olfactory nerves inside your nose, you activate the limbic system of your brain that is associated with moods. This concept is instrumental to aromatherapy, the tradition that makes use of the healing powers or strongly-scented plants. Studies show that the citrus scents – grapefruit, lemon, lime and orange – can lift your mood and increase your energy. Other energizing aromas include orange bergamot, herbs such as basil and rosemary, lemon balm, sandalwood, and peppermint.
3. Supplement Your Energy
Every time your body produces energy, your cells’ mitochondria, that are like tiny power generators, need magnesium. Many people don’t get enough of this essential mineral because two common dietary habits leach magnesium from our bodies: using too much salt and eating too much dairy. You can get your fill of magnesium from whole grains and a variety of nuts and seeds. If you prefer capsule form, try taking 500 mg of magnesium daily with vitamins B3, B6, and B12, which are also essential for energy.
May you Live Long, Live Strong, and Live Happy!
--Dr. Mao Shing Ni, best known as Dr. Mao is a bestselling author, doctor of Oriental Medicine and board certified anti-aging expert. He has recently appeared on The Ricki Lake Show, Dr. Oz, and contributes to Yahoo Health and The Huffington Post. Dr. Mao practices acupuncture, nutrition, and Chinese medicine with his associates at the Tao of Wellness in Santa Monica, Newport Beach and Pasadena. Dr. Mao and his brother, Dr. Daoshing Ni, founded the Tao of Wellness more than 25 years ago in addition to founding Yo San University in Marina del Rey. To subscribe to his tip-filled newsletter please visit www.taoofwellness.com. To make an appointment for evaluation and treatment please call 310-917-2200 or you can email Dr. Mao at [email protected].
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