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I ran across it on my post op (ab hernia repair) CT report. No one spoke to me about it, but it sounds concerning.
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Hello. Thank you for posting.
Hyper means more and hypo means less, so hypodense means less dense than average. CT scans are literally just shades of grey based on how dense the tissue is when an x-ray tries to travel through it. Air is least dense and is black. Fat and water are hypodense and dark grey. Bone is hyperdense and bright white.
We do not analyze or interpret tests for our readers. We can only give you general information such as the above. You will need to have these tests explained to you. I understand how frustrating it is to have tests results with no explanation which is why you need to contact your doctor's office and have someone spend some time, even over the phone, to let you where you stand regarding the health.
March 16, 2018 - 5:17pmThis Comment