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What are the signs of depression?

By Anonymous February 20, 2019 - 8:42am
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Hello Anon

Thank you for writing.

Depression is a mental illness marked by feelings of profound sadness and lack of interest in activities. Depression is not the same as a blue mood. It is a persistent low mood that interferes with the ability to function and appreciate things in life. It may cause a wide range of symptoms, both physical and emotional. It can last for weeks, months, or years. People with depression rarely recover without treatment.

There are many, many signs of depression. Some people have one or two, some have many. Symptoms include lack of appetite or over-eating, sleeping a lot or too little or not wanting to get out of bed to face the day on a regular basis. Disinterest in usual hobbies or interests, lack of socialization, fear, anxiety. Some people cry or expresses sadness a lot, others feel a dull sense of emotional pain or numbness. An inability to work or parent effectively can also be a sign. Some people self-medicate with drugs or alcohol.

Talking to a doctor or mental health professional can help enormously. Medication or talk therapy or a combination of both is often key to recovery.


February 20, 2019 - 2:45pm
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