I am only twenty one but I am thinking maybe I have an hormone imbalance? My periods are very regular and I have not had my period now for a few months. I have taken numerous pregnancy tests and all have come out negative. I do have pregnant like symptoms though such as weight gain, fatigue and headaches. I also have been extremely bloated recently and have been spotting. I was thinking maybe some of these are a sign of hormone imbalance...I generally eat pretty well and I try to get out and excersize regularly. I have had some mood swings and just over all feel like I am pms sing the whole past month and I have had an increase in my appetite ( I ussually eat small portions and find my self hungry way more often now though). Also I was very happy for about a month and recently am just neutral but that might have something to do with the fatigue I am experiencing now. Any ideas what could be wrong with me? I am sick of feeling like my period is going to happen every day and never having it actually happen!
Thank You in Advance.
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Add a Comment91 Comments
Has someone got an update from their posts? My period is now 11 days late and two negitive pregnancy tests, however I am starting to experience tiredness, bloating, headaches and slightly warmer than normal. I have been TTC for over two years now but have been taking vitex for my PMS. Could that have delayed my period? I have rad on some blogs that some women don't get positive tests for a few weeks. I have had endometrisos and am doing IVF later in the year so am rally hoping that it's a miracle!
May 26, 2014 - 4:53pmThis Comment
Hi. The same thing with mine. I've been having pregnancy-like symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, sensitivity to smell, urinary frequency, mood swings, feeling sick, bloated, cramps/ abdominal discomfort especially near my belly button but it appears negative on the pregnancy kit test. We had an intercourse last month and I was expecting that I would be pregnant. Unfortunately, I had menstruation last April 15 which I'm not sure if its really a menstruation. I had 11 days mens which is unusual for me.It started from spotting for 3 days, 3 days of heavy mens and 5 days light mens which were accompanied by cramps. I had hormonal imbalance 3 years ago but it was already treated. I'm not sure if I'm pregnant.
April 27, 2014 - 8:37amThis Comment
Hi I to have been having signs of pregnancy and yet three negative pregnancy tests I don't know what to think any more I am two months late now I am moody a lot lately always feel uncomfortable and tired lower back pain like crazy feel sick when ever I think of food can't stand eating out no more cuz of the smells but yet I can eat without puking. I have headaches every morning my ankles swell like crazy more days but yet all three tests negative I don't know what is going on :/
March 9, 2014 - 4:53pmThis Comment
December 9, 2013 - 7:54amI'm new to all this....
I had brown discharge 3 weeks ago for 4 days very light and was only when i wiped (sorry if tmi), sore breasts for the last 2 weeks and several migraines. I've turned into an emotional wreck, several negative tests and today i'm spotting. Am i pregnant??? Very confused
This Comment
I have been having unprotected sex and on no bc for a year now. Laat month I had two periods, one on my normal day of oct 11-16 and then agaim from the oct 23-27th. This month I haven't started at all and I am always regular and start on the 11th of each month. I've taken a hpt but dont know if I took it too early. I've been experiencing a lot of heartburn w foods I always eat, feeling nautious without throwing up...yet, fatigue and a slightly bloated looking lower belly (under belly button). Could I possibly be pregnant and when should I take a hpt again? With my child I have now all test I took didn't show amything till I was three months along. Thank you for any input!
November 27, 2013 - 8:15pmThis Comment
I had my kid removed on June 6th and have had pregnancy symptoms every month since. my periods were very irregular in the months following but I just chopped it up to my body adjusting to having had the iud removed, stress and wishful thinking. however this month I got my period on September 5th. it lasted 2 or 3 days. then my husband and I had sex and I spotted on and off for two more days. since then I've been super sleepy, my appetite was basically non-existent for a week and then returned to normal but I've had migraines everyday all day and I've been craving sushi. my lower back is aching, my books are sore and my areola s look darker and protruding. if had periodic cramping in my lower abdomen the past 3 weeks bit my period is still 4 days away. my mood swings are crazy and I've never been the pms bitchy type when it comes to my menstrual but I've taken numerous hpt and they all cameout negative. I know I have low hgc levels and my last two pregnancies weren't detected with hpt or by the doctors til I was at the end of my first trimester or after I had already entered the second. I just thought the more pregnancies u have the sooner they can be detected. could I be pregnant or am I experiencing all this because of the iud being removed or wishful thinking? I'm trying not to stress but wishing and waiting isn't helping.
September 27, 2013 - 6:05pmThis Comment
sorry auto correct put that I had my kid removed when it should be said iud!
September 27, 2013 - 6:11pmThis Comment
Hi, I had two periods last month. One on my regular time and the other just randomly on the 31st. So now I am unsure as to whether my period is considered late. I usually get it by the 20th each month. I recently had the IUD removed about a month and half ago, and It is the second time Ive had it removed. I also started taking the pill right after to stop my periods because I was losing so much blood and I am already anemic so my body would be so exhausted. This month, I have yet to have my period, tingling/sensitive breasts, back pain, light cramping, discharge, and 4 negative pregnancy tests. Is there still a possibility of me being pregnant? I've never not had my period, unless I was pregnant, and I have 2 kids already.
September 27, 2013 - 10:58amThis Comment
hi im 9 weeks late and im worrried iv had 7 negative hpt and bloods that were negative iv had abdominal cramps like i want to start my period and headaches. and constantly tired my belly has bloated out and i feel pregnant iv been with my partner 5 years and we have 2 children i had the depo needle but came of it 2 months ago and was planning to have the implant wen i came on my period nxt which i havnt we did use the pull out method once ino silly but my doctor keeps saying ur not pregnant and fobbing me off what can i do ?
September 18, 2013 - 8:46amThis Comment
hi im 9 weeks late and im worrried iv had 7 negative hpt and bloods that were negative iv had abdominal cramps like i want to start my period and headaches. and constantly tired my belly has bloated out and i feel pregnant iv been with my partner 5 years and we have 2 children i had the depo needle but came of it 2 months ago and was planning to have the implant wen i came on my period nxt which i havnt we did use the pull out method once ino silly but my doctor keeps saying ur not pregnant and fobbing me off what can i do ?
September 18, 2013 - 8:44amThis Comment