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trying to conceive

By October 27, 2011 - 8:25pm
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I had a misscarriage a year ago and nothing has happened. Been trying always get disappointed. I should i do?

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I am sorry you had a miscarriage a year ago. Many women need some time to physically heal after a miscarriage, and please know that it does take 6-12 months for women to conceive...and that is for women who did not have a previous miscarriage.

If you have been trying to conceive for 12 months since after your miscarriage, have you talked with your doctor about your options? Your doctor can discuss if you, or your partner, would be advised to go through any fertility testing, or if you should try for another 3 months. Some doctors even advise their patients to "hold off" on TTC for a few months, as sometimes the "trying" is stressful and once the stress is gone...a pregnancy might occur. It is important to talk with your doctor about your options, however, as I am unsure about any factors that might be causing your difficulty in TTC (age, medical history, etc).

Please know this happens to thousands of women, and for many of them, ends successfully in a healthy pregnancy. It is important to learn information about fertility, as well as your own body and educate yourself on various tests or options. Please let us know how we can help guide you to information or resources (and it is helpful if you can tell us more about your age, how long you have been TTC since your miscarriage, any medical history, etc).

We look forward to talking with you! Please also visit the TTC Group, as there are many women who are going through very similar circumstances: https://www.empowher.com/groups/trying-conceive?sort=asc&order=Views.

October 28, 2011 - 6:46am
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