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Quiz: Are Your Friends Toxic?

By July 29, 2008 - 7:44pm
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There's one in every crowd, the so-called buddy who is really a drain on your emotions and makes you question your friendship. Take this fun quiz to see if it's time to tell your toxic friend to take a hike - without you!

Is there a toxic "friend" in your life? How did you deal with the person?

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I think for the most part, I've weeded out any negative influences in my life. My girlfriend and I developed a zero-tolerance policy AND we're trying to address our own negative (although I wouldn't say toxic) tendencies. She finds herself more 'centered' as she would say after yoga. Exercise helps me to work off frustration, and therefore negativity. (Although I do need to bump it up a bit)

What we've found over the course of time however, is that if we call someone out about their toxic tendencies, they tend to turn things around by saying we're taking things too personally, we're being overly sensitive, etc. We decided that if we were men, we'd earn their respect by standing up for ourselves.

Naturally, we've concluded that these people are toxic:) and probably not worth our time. Life is just too short.

How do we deal with them? It's called "The Phase" -- quietly spend less and less time with them. And 'trade' that time to spend time with people who understand and accept those around them without judgment or drama.

July 30, 2008 - 9:15am
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