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For the past week I have been experiencing lower back pains and Lower left side abdominal pain that feel identical to my period. The pains seem to worsen when I eat but sometimes it just randomly gets worse. I'm not close to my period being due so I know it is not PMS. Is it anything to worry about? thanks!
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Hi Anon,
Thank you for sharing your question.
If you feel the timing of the symptoms are likely not PMS, it could be an indication of something else.
Is this the first time this has happened? Or have you experienced it for some time now?
It could be associated to your hormones fluctuating. But anytime we have pain, our body is trying to tell us something.
It might be a good idea to discuss with your doctor and to get in for an exam. Just to be safe.
Be well,
June 2, 2016 - 7:09pm~Gillette
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