for the past 2yrs goin to gym watching very carefully what goes in my mouth, yet the personal trainer said i must be lying bout what im eatin bcuz working out 6days week 2hrs should result in some loss, I quit goin to that gym! now i own a treadmill, my thyroid tsh test came back at .01 they have done an ultrasound for fear i might have cancer, that came back NORMAL then they sent me for radioactive iodine uptake test that came back NORMAL now they want 3 labs done at a cost of 586.$$$ ooo did i mention I HAVE NO MEDICAL COVERAGE!! and dont qualify for any! I am exhausted panic attacts depression and i wont take antidepression pills!! just wont. just the past 4 days i have been in bed exhausted sleeping havent eating anythin, but 3 saltine crackers my lungs feel at half capisity but gettin better, i need some answers but cant afford healthcare and untill i get these labs done they dont know how to treat me ..... are they thinking i have cancer? cant cuz those came back normal what are they looking for?
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I have been feeling horrible for months, beyond tired! I wake up and fall back to sleep within 30 mins.. on the weekend I find myself sleeping during the day about 3 hrs sometimes more unless my husband wakes me. I have brain fog, literally can think at times. Leg spasams that make me fall over if I've been sitting for a length of time.
July 5, 2017 - 7:53amRecent blood test results
test results, T4 1.03, TSH 1.90, Triiodothyronine Free Serum 2.9.
So they appear "within the norm". But I certainly don't feel normal.
I'm a female 62 yrs old. Can you direct me? Please.
This Comment
I had Graves disease @ 22 yrs old, got treated back 23yrs ago with a very very high dose of radioactive iodine. Everything is atrophic now including no parathyroid function. I Have been on 200 micrograms of Levothyroxine for over 20 years. While in the hospital for lung problems my thyroid medicine did not work and they put me on 250 micrograms. Of course I came back with a TSH later that was ridiculous 54. That was 7 months ago. Have been on my toes of 200 micrograms for that amount of time and my TSH came out at .1 . This would normally mean to lower my levothyroxine but I have been experiencing low-grade temp weight gain and pitted edema. I have been lethargic and need to sleep most of the time. This is a complicated case. Does anyone have any ideas?
April 27, 2017 - 11:05amThis Comment
Have you asked to be put on Armour brand thyroid medicine? Its not man made in a lab its pig based. Ask to be put on this and see if it helps. Also insist you have labs taken every 4 weeks to get a better handle on your numbers and doses.
July 13, 2018 - 10:07pmThis Comment
My TSH has been 0.01for over a year now.
April 6, 2017 - 3:34pmI have Graves' disease with sub clinical hyperthyroidism.
I ha blood work done that tested positive for antibodies which cause Graves' disease and Hashimotos disease.
Ask for an antibodies test to see if you test positive to either of these.
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I used to be on syntroid and it helped my slightly . While on syntroid mailny all of the hypo symptoms where still there. I switched to Armour (thyroid) against my doctors wishes and 98% percent of my symptoms where gone. I lost the weight and had more energy. I Highly recommend to switch and try armour for your thyroid.
October 14, 2016 - 3:08pmThis Comment
These are my symptoms. Had every test done known to the medical community and all negative except they over prescribed my synthroid so went from a .6 to less than .01 (range .2-.4). Gained weight, headaches, fatigued all the time. It should be hyperthyroidism but my symptoms suggest hypo. Now I am moving towards hypo again as meds adjusted but still feel like crap. Did you ever find out what the cause of the issues were?
July 30, 2016 - 9:33amThis Comment
forget thyroid cancer if your scan came up clear - its a pituitary tumour (no its not cancer - just a growth like poly cystic ovaries are growths) you need an MRI on your head. yes it will be expensive as will the surgery to remove it but if you don't do anything it will just get bigger resulting in headaches and vision issues. if you haven't fixed your problem already demand an MRI. No one should have to live with your secondary hypothyroidism symptoms and then on top be treated like a liar because you're not losing weight despite all your effort. Believe me- if your pituitary says you're not losing weight, you can starve yourself until the cows come home and you will not lose a pound. your doc will tell you its too rare (only 18 in 100,000 have it) but 1 in 5 autopsies have a pituitary growth. hope this helps, and hope you are already better!
July 7, 2016 - 3:07amThis Comment
Wow. Great response! I know its old but I am just looking up my results and I found this really useful. Previously I lost weight on TSH 0.01 Free t3 3.4 and free t4 14.1. I think the slight hyperthyroidism was better then my current hypo, TSH 1.8.
July 14, 2014 - 2:22amThis Comment
Thank you for your question. I want to review your current symtpoms, and make sure this is accurate:
1. Your TSH level is .01, and I assume the lab normal ranges are somewhere between 0.3-4.2 mU/L? If you do not know the lab's normal range, please call for a copy of your lab test results. (You should always request a copy of your test results).
2. If your TSH levels are low (which it sounds like they are), there are several possible reasons for low TSH levels that include hyperthyroidism, other medications and other medical conditions.
3. You have other symptoms that you mentioned throughout your post, and I am not sure how severe they are. Your list of secondary symptoms included panic attacks, depression, exhaustion, low lung capacity and low appetite. These may resolve themselves once you begin feeling more confident about your other diagnosis and have control over your lab results and what they mean (empower yourself with information!).
You have many options, and you just need to make a list of the questions you have unanswered, and call your health care provider for these answers. The other questions are related to possible future tests, and your financial situation with no medical insurance. These are two separate issues, so we can address them separately.
Your medical questions left unanswered after your previous tests:
1. TSH levels are low, and from your research, you understand this is caused by a condition called "hyperthyroidism". Ask your doctor about this condition, and if your lab results indicate this or another thyroid disease. What are your other thyroid levels (T3 and t4, for example).
2. Your doctor indicated a concern of cancer. What type (thyroid or something else?). The ultrasound and iodine tests came back negative for cancer. What are the exact other tests they are wanting to conduct? What are they hoping these other three tests would show (are they diagnostic tests?)
3. Why is there a concern of cancer; what was the initial test that indicated a chance of cancer (from your TSH level or other blood test?). Get the exact test and result that indicated abnormal cells, and get as much information as you can. Do you have a family history of cancer (and, what type?)
Once you understand your exact diagnosis, what the doctors say the test results indicate from your specific lab (all labs have different ranges of "normal"), as well as what exact tests are still needing to be done and will be better able to make choices based on your symptoms, doctor recommendations and financial considerations.
The financial considerations:
1. Please call your doctor's office, hospital or clinic and ask about "self-pay" options or "sliding scale" fees. Typically, you can have services performed for 50% less if you are paying out-of-pocket, and many places have payment options.
2. I realize this is easier said-than-done, but educating yourself on hyperthyroidism, understanding what further testing your doctors recommend, and knowing what payment options are available will help you feel in control and you can make the best decisions based on real information. I would assume your secondary symtpoms would also be alleviated, as they truly sound stress-related (and not related to your primary condition).
You can begin educating yourself on thyroid test results and thyroid conditions at these sites. Please let us know if you need any further help after you talk with your doctor and receive the answers to your questions.
October 30, 2011 - 9:41am- how to interpret thyroid test
- EmpowHER: Top Facts about Hyperthyroidism
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You sound just like the stupid doctors who won't listen. The jist of the response is that since your symptoms don't fit their training then its in your head. There are hundreds of thousands of women suffering from thyroid disorders who cannot get treatment because their (erroneous and arbitrary) Gold standard TSH test says they can't possibly be sick. (and I say arbitrary because they keep expanding the "normal" range. I have never met anyone quite as obtuse as the modern endocrinologist.
March 23, 2018 - 10:26amThis Comment