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Longer than usual period when should I seek a doctor for help

By Anonymous July 8, 2011 - 7:11am
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I started taking maca 3 months ago to help get rid of the cramps and balance my hormones . The first month was fine it actually shorten my period and no cramps with lots of energy. Second month period consisted of 4 light days 3 heavy days and a few more light days still no cramping. This month I had a few light days and 10 days of heavy days and still going. I amd concerned about when this will balance out. I stopped taking the maca hoping I would immediately stop menstruating. When should I see a doctor for this?

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My update...I finally had to go to the er due to extensive bleeding . After the blood test and different ultrasounds it is my hormones thats out of sorts. I am on a low dose bc only for a month to jumpstart my engine then to my primary care.

July 19, 2011 - 7:08am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,
You should contact your physician since you are taking a supplement that is not FDA approved. There are possible side effects to MACA and it depends on how much you take etc.

Contact your physician and see if he/she would be concerned about the changes in your period that seem to be due to your MACA use. The effect of MACA on the menstrual cycle should not be to prolong your period. Please review the following link for more information on MACA http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-555-MACA.aspx?activeIngredientId=555&activeIngredientName=MACA.

I hope this helps. Can you keep us posted on what your doctor tells you?

Good luck,

July 8, 2011 - 11:57am
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