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Increased Incontinence After Bladder Sling Surgery

By September 27, 2009 - 10:16pm
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I had bladder sling surgery about a month ago and am actually having worse incontinence than I had before the surgery. I was diagnosed with stress incontinence before the surgery and had to wear a pad for leakage when I coughed or sneezed. Now I am wearing adult diapers because when I move from a sitting to a standing position almost all of the urine in my bladder leaks out. The surgeon performed a urethral injection to add bulking material to help with the incontinence but it has not really helped the situation. I am not sure what the next step should be.

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I just had the sling done december 12, 2014 and had a catheter removed December 29, 2014 and I started back leaking again Tuesday it only leaks when I stand up, so tired of living like this. I thought after my surgery things would go back to normal, what to do any suggestion

December 31, 2014 - 5:38pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am having the same problem - less than 2 weeks after sling procedure. It didn't start right away, though. Just the last few days I have started leaking constantly, not related to urge or stress. I also had some heavy bleeding start around the same time. Little bleeding after surgery, but lots after a little over a week. Went to see my urogyno today and she doesn't know whats wrong or why the sling isn't working. She said it is healing well and is still in place and looks good, but definitely isn't working. She could see that I was leaking during her exam. She sent my urine sample off for a culture and then when she gets the results of that will decide what to do. It's all a mystery right now, and I think I am going to need to wear a diaper - a pad isn't cutting it! I sure hope she can figure out a solution. I am intersted in hearing from others with the same problem how it was resolved. My doc didn't indicate any potential solutions yet. Just said that it was extememly rare for the sling not to work. She hasnt had a patient in a long time where it was unsuccessful.


April 24, 2012 - 11:21pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Exact same problem. First had the collagen injections. Waste of time and money. Then had the bladder sling. I think I leak worse than before the surgery. I can smell myself. Have to go to bathroom with wipes and a pad each time. Ready to throw in the towel. Curious of your outcome.

September 17, 2014 - 7:28pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

your situations sounds exactly like mine. I had a bladder sling surgery on May 1st, The Dr. specializes in just that, But, I am more wet now than ever. The word is that my bladder is spastic, but, i don't feel the spasms as I have been down that road before. I was suffering from only stress incontinence and now I just leak no matter what. Does anyone have some advice. the Dr. isn't helping too much at this point he says I am healing fine. I go back to work in a few days, and just know I am going to have to wear heavy pads.
Sick of being Wet.

June 6, 2012 - 8:14pm
(reply to Anonymous)

I am having the same issue. 3 weeks post op and more wet now than ever! I am so discouraged and I regret having having the procedure because it has greatly inconvenienced me and now it has damaged me! I am so tired of being wet, wearing pads, and all the other issues too embarrassing to admit!

Did your situation resolve itself? They tell me that this problem will either resolve itself or I will need physical therapy....(like I haven't been kegeling for years?!)
Tired of padded pants.

July 9, 2012 - 5:54pm

We found the solution by going to a urologist at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. I found that going to a clinic/Doctor that actually works in a team environment (as opposed to a single practive) was the answer. After the second surgery I am now at least back to where I was before all of this started. I do wear a diaper at night but during the day just a pantyliner. Try a different doctor and see what their assessment fo your situation is.

January 12, 2011 - 2:05pm
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Anonymous (reply to Barkelsmith)

I had my surgery 2weejs ago and I am incontinent more now than before. The dr told me that sometimes this just doesn't work and they don't know why. I'm to go back in a month and I will ask for the urethra injects with hopes that it work however I have been considering going to Scottsdale Mayo Clinic if you think they could help. My relay is for the patient that went there and got results how are you doing now?

May 11, 2015 - 4:11pm
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Anonymous (reply to Barkelsmith)

i am having the same problem as anyone else here more leakage now then ever i regret having this done i do not want to wear diaper or panty liners seeing doc tomorrow and they better have an answer for me other than we have to do this surgery again

December 1, 2014 - 8:56am
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I'm having ot of the same problems as everyone else here...I had my surgery June 2015.... I wear panty liners everyday since my surgery... Where as before it was on occasion... Hurts to have sex...so what's my next steps??? Loss for words...

March 10, 2016 - 4:01am
EmpowHER Guest

I just recently had the surgery 2 weeks ago and I am worse. I wake up soaking wet from urine, wearing pads, and leaking large amounts of urine. I had infection and a inflamed bladder. I have had to go back to see my surgey twice in this two weeks and return again in a couple of days. I really don't know how this problem will be fixed but I am in pain, frustrated and scared to leave my house. I get very painful spasms in my kidney area and going down to my legs. I hope they figure out what is wrong because I am regreding having this surgery.

January 11, 2011 - 10:28pm
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