dieting(under supervision) but still hover around 17st.I am not sedentary,allways busy , can i have weight loss surgery to remove this awfull lump which makes me tired, makes my knees worse is very depressing and debilitating generally and is not good for my health and longevity. the big stomach area is solid,firm as is all my stomach areafrom solar plexus to pubic area i'm not expecting a miracle cure but your comments and advice would be helpfull.
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Hi Anon,
Thank you for sharing your question with the EmpowHER community.
Whether or not you are a candidate for weight loss surgery is something you should discuss with your doctor.
Here are some weight loss surgery options:
Here is some additional information: ]]>Is Weightlose Surgery Right for You?]]>
I hope this helps.
Be well,
September 21, 2015 - 1:48pmThis Comment