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if my oestradiol is <20 pmol/L does that mean i could be infertile?

By Anonymous May 19, 2011 - 7:23am
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Hi! I'm age 20. Ive jst had recent tests and within 6 months both blood tests have showed that my oestradiol levels is <20 and that is for both tests. I was wondering what this meant and if it had anything to do with being infertile or menopausal or something. I have other symptoms like irregular frequent periods, loss of weight and thinning hair, and currently a high glucose level of 5.8 after fasting. So I'm a little baffled about whats going on. Hope someone can shed some light on this :) thanks for your time :)

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Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your question and for finding EmpowHER. Low estrogen levels in young women often can indicate an underlying health problem. Has your doctor or nurse gone over your test results with you yet? If not, you can call their office and ask someone to explain them to you, or set up an appointment to find out their interpretation of the results and what ongoing treatment is needed. Explain to the doctor your concerns about being able to conceive, etc. We are not doctors here, so we cannot diagnose you or tell you what the tests mean. Your personal doctor should be your best resource to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.
For more information, you may want to check out the following link:
Infertility causes and risks.
Good luck, and let us know what you find out.

May 19, 2011 - 8:03am
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