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I have type 2 diabetes and now have numbness in my feet. What do I do?

By Anonymous July 25, 2018 - 1:16pm
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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thank you for writing!

The main option is to work towards not being a Type 2 diabetic anymore. As you know, the side effects can be very uncomfortable and foot main is a common issue. This is a part of diabetic neuropathy.

Work with your health care team on a healthy diet, medication regimen, and sick day management to keep as good a handle on your food and insulin levels as possible. Exercise daily, and be sure to check your feet every day for breaks in the skin or any signs of damage.

Diabetics need to be very careful with numbness so that they don't burn themselves or hurt themselves unknowingly - this can lead to damaged feet or lead to a serious infection.

Ask your doctor about prescription meds that may help.

Have you tried anything so far?

We look forward to hearing back from you-

July 25, 2018 - 3:19pm
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