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I have a high sex drive and have a problem reaching orgasm

By August 23, 2010 - 6:30pm
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Please help!
About 3 years ago after my son was born, I decided to go back to school. I decided to get the IUD copper in. Due to prolonged cramping, heavy bleeding, painful sex. I decided to get it remove after 1 year. however, since than i have lost the ability to achieve orgasm. Once again its been 3 years now, What wrong with me? please help

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When you had the IUD removed, were there any complications?

Achieving orgasms are very complex, and may not be attributable to your IUD. It is difficult to pinpoint a cause, as you had a new baby during that same year you had trouble with your IUD. Now that your IUD has been removed, and your son is one year old (I assume), you are still having trouble reaching climax.

Could you tell us more about your situation? Have you considered other possibilities that may be barriers to your having an orgasm, including being a new mom, having a one-year old to look after, your body has changed after pregnancy, your relationships have changed, your outlook on life and priorities have changed with a baby. Also, you may not have as much time as before your baby to "ease" into sex, have enough foreplay, have enough sleep, and be in the mindset for "mind-blowing sex".

Just wanted to make sure you are accounting for all of these other very significant changes in your life, before we go down the path of the IUD causing any damage to your sexual functioning.

August 24, 2010 - 2:17pm
(reply to Alison Beaver)

Hi Alison.

My son is now three years old. I got my lab work from my GYN and she said my level was good. I not really looking for mind-blowing sex but Even when I masturbated, I still cannot make myself achieve the big O.

November 12, 2010 - 5:43pm
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