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I am 22yr old virgin girl and having these white liquid coming out from both of my brests and I am not sexually active.

By Anonymous January 17, 2018 - 11:42am
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I am on my period right now and before 2 or 3 days I feels like my brests are getting so soft and some white color liquid are coming out from both of them.

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Breasts can sometimes produce discharge unrelated to breast feeding. It is usually caused by stimulation such as pressure and/or chaffing on the nipples. Try to eliminate or at least reduce stimulate of the nipples if you notice discharge. Repeated squeezing or rubbing can cause an infection. I suggest you see a doctor if the discharge is spontaneous because that can indicate in abnormality. You may have a hormonal disorder.

January 17, 2018 - 12:13pm
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