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How can I raise my hemoglobin from 10.7 to 11
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Hello, Anon. Thank you for writing.
A lower than normal number of red blood cells is referred to as anemia and hemoglobin levels reflect this number. There are many reasons (causes) for anemia so it's important to talk to your doctor about your test results. In some cases, there is no cause for alarm.
Methods to increase hemoglobin levels can vary and depends on the underlying problem. Some of the ways to increase hemoglobin include:
-transfusing red blood cells
-receiving erythropoietin (a hormone used to stimulate red blood cell production in individuals with decreased red blood cell production or increased red cell destruction)
-taking iron supplements
-increasing the intake of iron-rich foods (eggs, spinach, artichokes, beans, lean meats, and seafood) and foods rich in cofactors (such as vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin C) important for maintaining normal hemoglobin levels. Such foods include fish, vegetables, nuts, cereals, peas, and citrus fruits.
It's best not to take any iron supplements without talking to your doctor first. Side effects from excess iron intake may cause additional problems.
July 28, 2018 - 10:51amThis Comment