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Hcg levels dropped at 5 weeks pregnant but no bleeding, will i for sure miscarry?

By June 18, 2011 - 6:38am
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I am 5 weeks at 4 days pregnant. at 4 weeks at 5 days my hcg levels were 1296, then almost a week later they dropped to 1000. I have had a little brown spotting, not even enough to get on my underwear. But other than that no bleeding. Will i definitely miscarry? Has anyone else had a 300 point drop and still carried a healthy baby?

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Hcg levels indicate whether the pregnancy is progressing. The actual number varies from pregnancy to pregnancy, but the number should double every 48 to 72 hrs until 10 weeks or so when the placenta takes over. Hcg basically tells your body to keep producing progesterone....progesterone is the hormone that stops you from menstruating. When your hcg levels drop low enough, your progesterone levels fall and you start to bleed. Sometimes, when something is wrong, like a chromosome problem, the hcg levels may continue to rise, but not double....a sac may develop and grow but the embryo itself does not develop....often called a blighted ovum or missed miscarriage. Eventually, the hcg levels will usually begin to fall and then bleeding will begin to flush the uterus. I have had 15 miscarriages....most were blighted ovums....my hcg levels usually rise, but not double...and eventually they start to fall. I prefer to miscarry naturally...my doctor usually lets me wait it out until 10 weeks...after that I have a d&c....waiting after 10 weeks can become risky. I know it is difficult, but know that is your hcg levels are falling, there is likely a major chromosomal problem going on, and a miscarriage is a blessing in disguise. My first pregnancy went fine until I learned at 20 weeks that the baby was severely deformed from a chromosome issue..we lost him shortly after. Trust me, I wish I had lost him at 6 weeks instead of 23....it was devastating! Don't give up hope on your next pregnancy....but trust that your body is doing the right thing if you miscarry.....sometimes it is for the best. Grieve, but don't lose hope for the future!

November 12, 2014 - 7:01pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Thank you for your answer. May you soon be blessed with a LO. I will keep you in prayer.

February 17, 2015 - 5:05am
EmpowHER Guest

I had a cyst rupture around October 22nd or so. I found out on October 30th that I am pregnant. On November 1st ended up in the er with severe pain. First test at doctors office said my hormones were in the 700's. The er did an ultrasound and blood work. They told me I had hemorrhaged a lot in the uterus with the baby , my sac was oval, and wasn't sure of the outcome, and follow up in two days. When I did I was told my levels dropped into the 600's, and my baby stopped developing. They said I would miscarry any day now. That didn't sit well with me so I went for a second opinion. They didn't find any such thing. My hormones were almost to the 900's, but I am at risk of losing the baby. In just a few hours I go for a follow up blood draw, and I am nervous because I am starting to have pain.

November 7, 2014 - 12:03am
EmpowHER Guest

To the best of my knowledge, usually when HCG drops, it is never a good sign. I researched this quite a bit bc when I was 6.5 weeks, I had both sacs formed but no baby on the ultrasound. My hcg had slightly dropped and we had ultrasounds for 3 more weeks, hoping that we had our dates wrong..the baby never showed and my hcg only dropped every day. One of the last ultrasounds finally showed the sacs collapsed, they were deteriorating..my husband and I had read success stories and hung onto any hope we could get up until this point..this is weeks later and I still had not bled or passed anything. It took almost a month before I officially miscarried and I bled for 3 weeks! I do not want to discourage you, but I think anyone in this situation should prepare for the worst and hope for the best..they ruled my miscarriage as a "blighted ovum" even though you do not even get as far as developing a sac with a true blighted ovum but it was such a similar situation, they considered it the same. My dr explained to us that with every tiny specification of what it takes to grow a baby, there are so many things that can go wrong. Something just didn't align right, she said most likely it was a chromosome issue. Even though it was a very tough time for us and we were devestated-we were ironically grateful at the same time..it's amazing how your body can sense when things are not right and can shut down the situation as a preventative. We finally agreed that it was better to lose the baby so early on bc there was obviously something very wrong w the formation and having to carry the entire pregnancy, bonding to this unborn child of ours, birthing, and then it passing away a few hours or so after birth bc of it's defects would have been unbearable..I had a concern that something was wrong w my body, that I was incapable of carrying a baby. My dr reassured me that it was nothing that I did wrong, nothing I could prevent, it just happens and happens very often..since then, as I talk w people about it, I find that it's happened to an overwhelming amount of people. Everyone had a friend, sister, or themselves that had been through the same events. You don't realize it or hear much about it bc it is usually private and not shared with everyone. So, I hope that your situation can turn around and u can have a healthy baby out of this. But remember that if it doesn't happen this time around, it is usually in the best interest of you and the baby. You have to be thankful for your body's ability to abort the situation early on and save some grief of what could be tragic later down the road..nothing is wrong w you, u did nothing wrong and it usually never happens back-to-back so u can immediately try again when ur hcg shows 5 or less and ur dr confirms it's safe..I hope that everything I have told u can be irrelevant and u will not need the advice and comfort and ur situation will turn around and hcg begin to rise but I think that having so much false hope can be more hurtful sometimes. You need to have the understanding that hcg drops are almost always a sign of miscarriage and miscarriage sometimes takes a while to happen which can throw u in a long state of limbo and confusion on what's going on. Try to request an ultrasound to see more of what's going on in there..best wishes to you and your family!

November 6, 2014 - 6:33am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Thank you so much. this post is really old but i feel so good after reading this. i just went to the doc to find that my levels has decreased. this is my first pregnancy and i am really scared. if you read this, can you tell me if you are fine and if you have tried again?

April 5, 2016 - 1:27am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Can you please update on what happened. I am currently going through the same exact thing!
Thank you

August 22, 2016 - 6:47pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am 3 weeks pregnant and I went to get my HcG levels checked on Nov 3rd and the level was 165 and today on Nov 5th around 12:00 I went to get another blood test and it dropped down to 99 tomorrow in the morning I get another blood test in the morning for my hcg are they good levels?

November 5, 2014 - 3:33pm
EmpowHER Guest

My HCg level drpdown from 158 to 128.
Please suggest me

November 4, 2014 - 11:30pm

Hello, i'm pregnant last monthly sept 2,2014 and i took a home test on oct 6,2014 , the test was positive so i contact the doctor office they send me to get a blood test that was positive, my levels was 135 then i went back todays later for a repeat test and my levels was 118 but i'm taking progesterone 400 mg caps. they nurse said by it went down i'm about to have a miscarriage, no bleeding, no pain ,no cramping, just a wooried mind. they want to recheck my levels on monday again but i'm so scared , please can anyone tell me anything right now, i had one miscarriage early this year but i start off bleeding first?

October 12, 2014 - 10:51am
EmpowHER Guest

Im six weeks bled for a few hours. went to hospital was told my points were 25678 to go in the next for ultrasound they say baby is there cant find a heart beat told to go get more blood the next day, which then was down 600..was told not to worry to go back in a week for another ultrasound and more blood work. Has anyone had good news after points dropping

September 30, 2014 - 5:56pm
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