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Due to have a hysterectomy but am scared to death after viewing a video about side effects!

By April 5, 2009 - 4:04pm
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I have generally accepted my doctor's recommendation that I have a hysterectomy due to a very large uterine fibroid (15 cm) that is displacing my bladder. I also have cysts on my one remaining ovary so that's supposed to come out too. But after viewing a video link from your website, I don't know what to do. It was reported that 80% of women experience serious quality of life issues afterwards. I don't like those odds! Are there women out there who don't have serious problems after a hysterectomy? The link I viewed was from a Share story called Female Anatomy: http://hersfoundation.org/anatomy/index.html. I also have a history of breast cancer.

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Hi Terri, SeeDandy1 , Anon and others - I noticed your comments about getting notices about posts on the site, and then coming in to find there were no posts. We have been dealing with some aggressive spammers lately. When they post inappropriate content on the site we go in and remove it. At times the system has sent out notices that a message was there, but the message is one that we removed so there's nothing there. We've taken steps to correct this and have made adjustments to the site that have eliminated most of the problems. Please bear with us, and thanks for your continued support.

Pat Elliott
EmpowHER Moderator

January 11, 2010 - 6:46pm
(reply to Pat Elliott)

Thank you, Pat. That explains it! I've already reported a spammer who sent me a private email through EmpowHer promising me a large commission if I would move money from abroad - you know the deal! Glad you guys are on it.

January 11, 2010 - 7:47pm
EmpowHER Guest

I was just wondering if you read "Hysterectomy Hoax" because you said you were going to awhile back. I think it is a very good book by a gynecologist that explains what every woman needs to know when she is told she needs a hysterectomy. It was written in a very interesting way, and I learned a lot from it. Otherwise, how are you doing?

January 11, 2010 - 5:53pm
(reply to Anonymous)

To Anonymous: Yes, I did say I would be reading it. Believe it or not, due to complications from my mastectomy of a year ago, as well as a blood clot in my leg, I've had to put off the issue that prompted this whole topic (a hysterectomy to treat a large fibroid). I've tabled the issue for now, but it will surely come into play later this year and I'll be reading up on everything again. Two things I know for certain: 1) I'll be changing gynecologists, and 2) I don't want a hysterectomy if I find a suitable alternative.

I do have one comment to make regarding #2. I have yet to speak to anybody in person, not even one, who has had any of the horrific side effects I've read about and, believe me, I've polled everyone I can find who has had the operation. I don't disbelieve what I'm reading here; just wondering if it's the case for only a minority of women....

January 11, 2010 - 7:49pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Terri)

Terri, I'm sorry to hear about complications from the mastectomy and blood clot. I hope everything is improving. I'm glad to hear you've decided against the hysterectomy and are changing gynecologists! Good for you!

I'm not surprised that you haven't heard anyone speak out about the side effects from hysterectomy, even though you've asked. There are multiple reasons for that, but I'll just describe a couple reasons I've noticed. I've found many women are too embarrassed to admit there have any problems. It is a personal subject afterall because your uterus isn't just a baby bag, it's a hormone responsive sex organ that largely impacts your sexual response. So when you're asking women how they feel after part of their sex organs are removed, I think it's understandable that they don't want to be honest about the damage it does. Another reason is that because they are left in the dark about the consequences and side effects, they tend to blame the problems on other things, like getting older, etc. I have a friend who had a hysterectomy when she was 32 due to chronic pain and excessive bleeding. After the surgery she told everyone it was "the best thing she ever did." That was about 15 years ago, but recently I asked her about it and she said that although she was happy that she didn't have the bleeding and pain, she also noticed that she had urinary incontinence right after the operation, and had gone to dozens of doctors because she couldn't hold it, but she also couldn't urinate half the time. It's a constant problem and she's had multiple procedures done that haven't corrected it. Even though her ovaries weren't amputated, she said she never had any sex drive afterwards, but she didn't notice for a while because she was so happy to get rid of the heavy bleeding. I've known her for years, and it took me a while talking to her to get her to tell me about problems she was having, to get around the "it was the best thing I ever did" part. She's also had a lot of hormonal problems and many other problems, but I can tell you that very few people know about it because women don't talk about it. When you really look into all the arteries and ligaments that are severed to your genitals and spine, it becomes obvious that it's not a good thing (to say the least). When a hysterectomy is performed, your bladder is damaged because they have to slice your uterus away from it. That's why many women have bladder problems following the surgery. I know many other women who have had hysterectomies and they never talk about it, but I've watched them age prematurely and have multiple health problems which are very common, but not very commonly talked about. When you are able to read "The Hysterectomy Hoax" it'll help clear it up. Btw, there have been many books written about this subject. It's not new, but women have really been kept in the dark because hysterectomy is such a profitable business. You can also read, "Misinformed Consent", "The Ultimate Rape", and "The H Word", and there are many more. There's a reason there are so many books; honest doctors and individuals have tried to warn women for years what the medical industry doesn't want them to know. Recently Dr. Oz told his audience that hysterectomies were unnecessary for fibroids and that over 80% that are performed are unnecessary. He has told his audience that at least twice, but over 650,000 women will be hysterectomized again this year if someone doesn't stop it. Just think about it, did your gynecologist tell you about all the side effects and options? Did he tell you about myomectomy? When you do finally get a chance to research all of this, you'll find out that the unthinkable is true.

January 12, 2010 - 2:13am
(reply to Anonymous)

Dear Anonymous writing Jan. 12th, and response to Terri's last comment before: You said things so well. I hope you, Terri, heed her comments. There are so many women who just do not talk about their aftermath problems after a Hyst., and this is one sad thing. I wish I could meet you in person, Terri. I know I would change your mind. One woman to tell her story should be enough to stop you from doing this hideous surgery. I am saying - if I met you in person - you would not go through with this operation in any shape or form. You need to decide this: Do you want to take the chance of having this operation, have horrific aftermath problems - worse than what you experience now, but also... there is no going back? I cannot stress this enough. I don't care if you may think my comment is one of a "minority". This is not the case, but even if you may tend to think this; you do not want to take the chance to become part of this (if you feel this way) 'minority'. We are not a minority; however. We have just not been heard. I feel so sad that we are in this day and age, and this is still happening to women when unnecessary. I sware - people will look back on this someday, and be horrified that doctors got away with this castration, mutilation, and life changing surgery to a woman's body.

I may take on a tangent here, but not too far off: Back in 1939, 1940, 1941... my mother heard of Jews being taken from their homes, and sent off to camps, and then they were 'eliminated' with horrible measures. My mother said people in the U.S. could not believe this. No human being would do this to another. It is not true she said other people believed could not be happening. Well, we know the truth with this now. By the same token; as I am saying - we will look back on this, and people will say, "How did doctors get away with this?"

Terri, I have spent much time on this blog. I would not do this if not so important to save you from such a dasterdly thing. It is that important to me to help save you. I made a committment after my Hyst., and it was that whenever I heard of another woman considering, being talked into a Hyst.; I would do what I could to save her. I do wish I could see you in person. I guarantee - after our physical visit - you would not walk, but run out of any GYN's office who tried to tell you you need one...

Atta Girl, Anonymous, and thank you, Pat Elliott, for your post.

January 12, 2010 - 6:20pm
EmpowHER Guest

Terri, I was wondering if you ever read the Hysterectomy Hoax and what you thought? Were you able to pick up "Misinformed Consent" too? Btw, this site keeps sending out emails that there are new posts when there aren't any.

January 9, 2010 - 2:59pm
(reply to Anonymous)

No, I haven't read that book. Have you? What are your thoughts on it?

I too have rec'd emails that there are posts when there don't seem to be any. Can't explain it. I've tried looking through each page thinking that someone may have responded to an earlier post rather than at the end, but didn't find anything. It's possible to delete your own post, so maybe someone posted a comment then deleted it.

January 11, 2010 - 4:15pm
(reply to Anonymous)

I just read this last post, and have a few comments. I hope, Terri, you get, if you have not yet, the books referred. I do have to still get the book, "Misinformed Consent". I agree with 'Anonymous' here also; in that, this site does send out emails that there are new posts when there are not. I hope this can be figured out.

I have to stop reading the books I have gotten, at times. It gets to be so upsetting. I read of other women's stories so much like mine, and get this overwhelming feeling of wondering how this can be happening still with doctors getting away with these unnecessary surgeries, as mine. It will be a holocaust of sorts we will look back on someday (and the sooner the better) of just this - how doctors were able to do this for so long. Each woman has her story; yet, the one true thing is this: We have been, as females, still treated as secondary. This would never happen to men; well, not for very long. I know I am right with this statement and train of thought. I could counter any person with statements saying any different. There are too many thousands of women who have suffered with this, and high time we are heard. God knows how I wish I would have known what I do now. I could have saved myself from a life altering surgery which was not needed, and changed not only me, but family and friends as well. I am at least gifted with family support, but my heart continues to go out to those females who do not have this. I mean this so sincerely. You are the ones who ache my heart. I know how it feels; however, as I have had the same with some family and friends who do not understand. And - these doctors are fine and well. They made a profit to our demise. They move forward, and we suffer for their incompentence, greed, and self-thinking attitudes. How dare any doctor to do this!

January 10, 2010 - 1:47am

I hope I did not miss the last post; as I received a message there was one posted today, 12/24. I could
not find anything. I decided to post another comment, in the meantime. This has been a very different holiday time for me; as compared to so many past ones. I was always so 'into' the holidays. After the Hyst., I went downhill - as far as being the once vibrant woman I was. I used to get out all my holiday decorations, loved decorating our tree each year; as I had gotten so many wonderful and sentimental ornaments over the years. I did not have the energy to even put up a tree this year. My oldest daughter is married, and living in another northern part of our state. My son is staying with her over the holidays, and with my condition, and also fighting an open wound infection in my left leg right now - my husband said it was not worth it to have me do more damage to damage and worsen my left leg. We were fine with not having the decorations out this year, but still... I know this too - if it was not for the Hyst.; I would have still had the energy to put out the decorations. This is what is unseen with women who have been physically destroyed by having a Hyst., and I am one of thousands - if not millions. "Unseen", and I feel for the women who suffer with trying to carry on when the battle is awful. It is as if people choose to question when it is not a matter of questioning; it is a matter of understanding, and help in this fight to stop this insanity operation doctors can still get away with. So, this is what I have been thinking about over this holiday time; i.e., how this doctor changed my life by pushing me into an unnecessary operation, but this affected a very important time each year in my life. I do not have the energy to attend a traditional family Christmas Eve event held for 35+ years held at a cousin's home. This is the
unseen to this. People will say, "Where is ...?" (Meaning me). I am only wanting to tell them that this is due to the Hysterectomy, and how I want to go back to the person I was before this operation. This is why I go to these blogs. I want to save other females from experiencing anything as this. I mean it. I was a "VIBRANT", do it all, woman before this operation. I cringe at thinking even one more woman to be led and deceived this is what she needs to have done to her body to save her. I implore any female to heed my words, and do not do it!!! There are alternatives which most doctors will not suggest. This surgery should be a 0.1% and a last resort operation. Turn your heads away from any doctor who tells you otherwise, and guarantee you will thank people as me telling you this. Remember, there is no going back. So, research - go to the Hers Foundation website, and read EVERYTHING! View EVERYTHING! When you can, and find you can - also contact Nora Coffey. This woman is a savior for this cause - along with Rick Schweikert, and all the staff there. Nora and all of them would not be working so hard, for so long, on trying to help women from being deceived by doctors, if it was not the exact TRUTH. I would not be a testimony to this; except, it did happen to me; thus, I can speak with first hand experience. I would stand up and argue with anyone - whether a doctor or whoever. It is such a money making business for doctors, and this is why they castrate, and mutilate thousands of women each year. We are being de-humanized with this. I am so sick I did not know about this before. My life will never, ever be the same. I am thankful I have a loving husband. I do feel for the women who are married and don't. This Hyst. affects not only the female, but all who are around her. Some people just do not understand, and this is the other cruelty to this surgery. A woman has to be subjected to so called loved ones who do not want to "understand"...

Merry Christmas to all who read this. Happy New Year too. I wish for my "New Year" that I am heard,
and possibly save even one other female from having this done. This is my wish for Christmas.

Take care, everyone

See Dandy

December 24, 2009 - 10:01pm
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