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Do women smell different after menopause?

By Expert HERWriter December 15, 2008 - 9:41pm
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Do any of you who have gone through menopause think you smell different than you did before? By that I mean the way your body smells to you, not that your nose is working differently. I always thought it was just me that felt this way, but tonight I read an article about someone else who thinks she also smells different now that she's post-menopausal.

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EmpowHER Guest

Glad to see other ladies on here that are noticing the old lady funky smell. It is just nasty. If I showered or sink bathed three times a day it might be just enough, but by morning it's back. It definitely has nothing to do with sexual activity, but something I too noticed after menopause. Hoping to hear about help for this problem.

April 14, 2015 - 7:32pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am post-menipausal and I noticed a smell when using the bathroom.It smells like something died up there. Can anyone tell me what is happening ?

March 27, 2015 - 5:26pm
EmpowHER Guest

Thank you! So glad to know I am not alone in this! 51 years old and had an aroma until recently, when I went off the Pill. I notice it when I urinate and also there is a lingering scent in my panties and on pajama bottoms. I have doubled up on my water consumption, thinking my body just need to cleanse itself better, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

March 24, 2015 - 6:32pm
EmpowHER Guest

So glad I read some of the comments here. I suddenly developed an unusual, foul vaginal odor that is so strong that it penetrates my clothing and I can smell it myself. So can of course others around me. It started right after my last period. I have recently started to skip periods. I had never heard of such an odor before and thought I was going crazy. Then I vaguely recalled my mother smelling this way, but I didn't think about it at the time. It doesn't surprise me that doctors are clueless about this, women's issues not being a priority. This problem with perimenopausal offensive vaginal odor unrelated to bacterial vaginosis is probably not even documented.

March 22, 2015 - 4:12pm
EmpowHER Guest

Oh- the memories of menopause! I'm safely past it, thank goodness- and happily getting back the week that periods took out of my life every month. I was a heavy bleeder- with pain. But when I was going through the night sweats and sleeplessness and hot flashes, I finally found liquorice root drops- from the health food store. They did help my hot flashes a lot. And sweats.

I came on here just looking for why my urine now has a stronger smell- and as I don't flush everytime and live alone ( my choice) and saving water.. I notice that now my urine smells stronger- and just wondered if it was hormone related.
Other than that I do not smell different or stronger and have been past menopause for a couple years. Brain fog, and other things can very well be symptoms of what you eat as well. I had fatigue and brain fog and recently went to a naturopath who told me that among other things my adrenals are shot due to stress over long periods of time.

So we are working on that first, and after a month- I'm three weeks in- we will reassess and work on weight gain and other issues.

she gave me B5 and B6 and magnesium and vitamin D and told me to eat more protein, and I take adrenal support herbs and drink less coffee- Three weeks in and things are a bit better. A bit more energy without three cups of coffee. And my diet is better - more fresh salads, more protien- so always have breakfast- to make sure I'm getting 60-70 grams of protein a day- and stopped eating as many carbs( fast pizzas becasue I was too tired to cook) brain fog is decreasing- energy up, and sugar cravings almost gone.

So your smell smay be related to hormones, but it may be just eating wrong and stress. See a naturopath if you can. it wasnt cheap- but i figure if i feel better and have energy and can think again- I can always make more money. The path I was on was all downhil. I felt like I was 80. -

Now looking forward to feeling even better, and working towards a happy retirement.

March 11, 2015 - 9:38pm
EmpowHER Guest

Thank God for the internet! I am SOOOOOOO thankful to have found this site! I am 50 and haven't had a period in about 1 1/2 years. I have noticed an odor ~ not certain how long ago it started, but it's foul! I have allergies and asthma, which have also gotten worse over the last few years (Dr said it can happen as women age :-/ so I prefer to use "natural" soaps. I have to steer very clear of perfumes, so I can't use anything to cover up the odor. My husband hasn't noticed anything, so I can only hope it's not noticeable to others. I HIGHLY recommend flax seed meal for hot flashes & night sweats. I get it in bulk and put a tablespoon in my yogurt every morning. After a couple months of barely any sleep and feeling like I was going to kill someone if I didn't get some sleep ~ a friend recommended this ~ it has been a life saver for me (and perhaps for my husband :-)

March 10, 2015 - 8:05pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

You're so funny. .. I'm 47 and feeling the same crap as you! I shower everyday. . Have 10 different deodorants and none work. . My urine smells and I have gained so much weight! ! My dr. Did blood test and was told me in very low in vitamin d....actually putting me a prescription medication. ... I'm ready to jump off my roof and literally can cry on a drop of a dime! !! Ugh

March 24, 2015 - 5:27pm

Yes. My mother had it after menopause - not all the time but the odor has gotten worse as she gets older - most evident in her urine but sometimes it gets so bad you don't even want to be in the same room with her. And now I have it, although neither of my sisters do. Fortunately I have been able to control it so far with Estring (HRT in a silicone ring that has to be inserted into vag.) Unfortunately my mother now has dementia so there is no way she could use Estring. I also don't like the idea of using HRT at my age (65). I have tried other things, (Vagifem) but so far only Estring works. I am still looking for something else.

February 23, 2015 - 5:54pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to SandyAsh)

I remember noticing the smell of older women when I was younger. Some of them were my mother's friends and I had known them to be very clean women and couldn't imagine that all of them just didn't know how to bathe. After menopause I couldn't stand smelling like that myself. I could smell it all the time, but more when I urinated. I bathed more and douched more, but by the next day it was back. A month ago I was online reading the history of Vaseline petroleum jelly. It stated that the inventor ate it. I recalled how my parents had it in our home when I was a child, so...I put a small dap of the Dollar General generic brand inside my vagina every night before my bath for five days. AND NOW THE SMELL IS GONE... PRAISE THE LORD! It's a month later and I check every day in amazement. It worked for me and so far I haven't had to do it again.

April 6, 2015 - 4:08am
(reply to Anonymous)

Hello, really you just used a little Vaseline? And, the smell went? Amazing, I will buy a huge bucket of it!! :)

April 19, 2015 - 1:22am
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