My 16 year old daughter has schizophrenia. After her last episode she was assigned a public health psycologist. She sees her every fortnight and is very happy with her as her support. I however find that at times I need to ask her questions that I dont want my daughter to know I am asking. Usually because I am concerned. My daughter also suffers from OCD and if she thinks I am worrying about something then she starts to worry and it snowballs. Each time I have rung and asked her something she has told my daughter what I asked even though I have explained about how it starts her worrying. I can appreciate that her first priority is for my daughter but honestly I dont trust her and can no longer tell her anything. Surely this is not in my daughters best interests but my daughter relates to her really well. Do I need a new psycologist?
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Thanks, I will give her one last chance. She is going on leave for 6 weeks so I will wait till she gets back. Not looking forward to the next 6 weeks with no back up.
July 2, 2009 - 6:29amThis Comment
Dear happydays,
Thank you for posting your question. Since you mentioned that your daughter has a very good relationship with her, I think that getting a new Psychologist may be a disadvantage if she is helping her. What I would suggest is that you either call her one day or see her before your daughter does and tell her that she is causing your daughter great stress by mentioning that you spoke with her and let her know that you will change Psychologist if you cannot communicate with her without your daughter getting worked up over it. Give her one more chance and see how she handles it. You will know if she tells your daughter again--and then you can take other action. But because your daughter seems to really have a connection with her, I wouldn't go switching just yet.
Please keep us posted.
July 2, 2009 - 5:49amThis Comment