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could I get pregnant this way?

By December 11, 2010 - 11:51pm
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please, I need help, I am 17 and I was dry humping with my boyfriend. I had on a thong and leggings/tights. He had on just his boxers. I could feel his penis tip pushing on me, but I had on leggings/tights and my underwear on and he had boxers. I came home, and I saw that my underwear was wet, also my leggings/tights just like 2 spots, size of a nickel. the wetness on my underwear, It looked like water, but please can I get pregnant like this? I am so worried... please help me out. I am home schooled so I have no Sex-ED.

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Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

No. There was no risk for pregnancy because you were both wearing underwear, which acted as a barrier to keep sperm from entering her vagina.


August 8, 2016 - 8:39am
EmpowHER Guest

So me and my bf we were just in underwear while I was on him and I was wet and he had pre cm so while I was on him is it possible to get pregnant?

July 31, 2016 - 12:12am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,

No risk because you were both wearing underwear.


August 1, 2016 - 8:35am
EmpowHER Guest

Hey if my bf wet his shorts (came) and we were dry humping and ended up wetting my jeans then it soaked my underweat, is there a chance of pregnancy?

June 26, 2016 - 2:14pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi so I have a question. I'm 15 and my bf came over and we were kissing. But I was kinda sitting on his lap. We both had all our clothes on. Plus I was wearing pads cause my period is supposed to happen soon. Am I gonna be ok? Am I at risk of anything? Plus I'm still a virgin. Will I be ok? I'm scared.

June 24, 2016 - 8:54am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

You're great. No pregnancy risk! If you're worried that much, get some BC too. It's a method of abstinence (in a rather risky form though. That is if there was grinding. Could lead to more!) also a practice of safe sex.

August 12, 2016 - 10:59pm
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,

You are just fine and were not at any risk for becoming pregnant.


June 24, 2016 - 9:10am
EmpowHER Guest

My gf and I kinda had sex I didn't have my clothes on but she had leggings and a thong. We acted as if we were as in humping against each other. Currently her period is late. Is she pregnant?

June 18, 2016 - 11:04am
EmpowHER Guest

Ok so I need an answer my gf and I were idk if its considered dry humping but, I had my boxers on and she didnt have her panties on .. So could she get pregnant?

June 17, 2016 - 5:16pm
EmpowHER Guest


okay im worried, I mean I worry but now i'm really worried.
so a couple weeks back I was on my period and my boyfriend and I were making out, I was in my pants and about three pads (I worry I leak) he had nothing on and dry humped me a little I didn't feel anything wet but I heard if he has precum and you (the girl) are wet you can get pregnant. after two years of havinf my period, since February, its been off the charts and not right. I haven't experienced any symptons but since my period should be soon i'm worried it won't come but I know stress can delay.

I've looked at sights and seen you can and also can't get pregnant from what I've done but god i'm so worried please help!!!!!

June 17, 2016 - 4:40pm
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