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Can you get pregnant due to dry humping?

By Anonymous October 26, 2010 - 9:01pm
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So the past 2 months, i've been getting my period exactly on the 22nd. When I'm stressed, i know it can delay. My boyfriend and I were pretty much dryhumping, but he had boxers and jeans on, and i had my underwear (it was lace, and i'm afraid that maybe stuff can get through easier) and pantie liner on, although at times i felt like my pantie liner wasn't in place right, but just around the clitoris area. It's past the 22nd, but sometimes my period isn't always exact of course, but i've been pretty paranoid after dryhumping. I've been very active with school, and not getting good sleep and afraid that maybe i've been overactive to where my body can't keep up. I recently got a cold and wondering if that can affect my period in some way. Although lately, I haven't been that nervous about it. My discharge has been kind of heavy, whiteish and yellowish. This only started about more than a week ago. My boyfriend and I did dry heaving on the 17th. I've been kind of moody and a little cramping. I'm worried about being pregnant or something. please tell me advice.

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Guide (reply to lopezmaya)

Hello lopezmaya,

You were not at any risk for becoming pregnant by dry humping or fingering.

Please take a minute to look at this slideshow.
"Am I Pregnant? Myths and Facts About Sex"

lopezmaya, you are very young and maybe should wait a little longer before becoming sexually active. You must be ready and should not allow any one to force you until then.

Please use protection when you do take the step to be sexually active.
To learn more, please read this article.
"Effective Birth Control for Sexually Active Teens"


December 16, 2016 - 9:32am
EmpowHER Guest

My boyfriend and I were dry humping. at first we both had pants and underwear on but as we progressed I took off my pants and in the last 15 mins he took of his. He says he may have precum but isn't sure if he actually ejaculated. I am extremely worried that I am pregnant as I am only 16 and do not want this. I am due my period, have spots around my chin, have very slight cramps in my lower abdomen and my breasts are aching. I'm also very tired in the afternoons and am not sleeping well. Is there a chance that I am pregnant?

December 12, 2016 - 8:52pm
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

Try to relax and wait for your period to start. If you are late by at least seven days, then test for pregnancy.

Now that you are sexually active, you and your boyfriend must use protection. He must wear a condom each and every time, from start to finish. It is too risky to not use protection.

Hopefully, you did not become pregnant. It is time to schedule an appointment with a gynecologist to get started using birth control.


December 13, 2016 - 10:10am
EmpowHER Guest

I didn't have sex and I get my underwear on but he was naked. I'm pretty sure he came only on my chest but I'm really worried that when we were dry humping he may have gotten some pre cum or cum on my underwear. I know it highly unlikely but could I be pregnant?

December 7, 2016 - 9:12pm
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

There was no risk for becoming pregnant because you were wearing underwear.


December 8, 2016 - 10:07am
EmpowHER Guest

Hiya, I'm wondering if I can get a answer quick as possible. I haven't come on my period this month and I'm wondering weather I'm pregnant, the start of this month I have dry humped but not had sexual intercourse. I have OCD and even the little things like my boyfriend touching a towel makes me think somehow DRY sperm can get on my hand and into my vagina... I have been verb very stressed this last couple of days due to stress off me not coming on my period and my boyfriend. I have been having period like symptoms; Sore breasts, cramping all over my lower abdomen, and I a man starting to get really bad headaches and some spots on my face. I am booked in for the nurse fairly soon and I almost feel embarrassed to talk to her about it, would you please try to give me some ideas, also I am very irregular on my periods - Thank you

December 4, 2016 - 2:39am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

Stress can be the reason your period is delayed.

Without unprotected vaginal intercourse, there is no way you could be pregnant.

I can appreciate how you are thinking. Consider taking a pregnancy test. Seeing the results may convince you that your are not pregnant.


December 5, 2016 - 10:24am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Thank you I appreciate your reply

December 5, 2016 - 2:18pm
EmpowHER Guest

Please reply ..What if during dry humping me nd my are wearing underwear.. nd he ejaculate in his underwear.. and that wet underwear touches mine???will i b pregnant? Please reply

December 2, 2016 - 10:37pm
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

No risk because you were both wearing underwear, which acted as a "protective barrier" preventing the sperm in semen from passing through.


December 5, 2016 - 10:21am
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