Me and my girlfriend had sex. I washed my hands and my penis with antibacterial wipes and then soap. About ten minutes later we took a shower and she was touching my penis the whole time but we didn't have sex in the shower. I finished up washing and then I went pee. We had sex again about ten minutes later. But she touched the condom before I stuck my penis in.. Is there a chance she's pregnant?
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Okay thank you so much. I was just extremely worried to be honest I'm not ready to be a father yet I'm only 18. I told her we should stop having sex and she agreed. Which sucks but I'll live :)
October 30, 2011 - 8:38pmThis Comment
If you had sex using a condom, there would be almost no risk of pregnancy. (The only 100% way to prevent pregnancy is abstinence, so we can't say 100%....but using a condom is up to 98% effective at preventing pregnancy...they are very effective!!).
After sex, there would be no chance of pregnancy, since you took a shower and the semen would have been washed away and dried. Sperm does not live very long outside the body (a few minutes).
Please know that you do not need to wash your penis with antibacterial wipes. Soap and water are best! (The antibacterial wipes could burn the inside of her vagina, if you two have sex afterwards).
October 30, 2011 - 11:11amThis Comment