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Birth control weird periods?

By June 1, 2016 - 4:07pm
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started Trinessa Lo birth control pills on May 8th. I then got my period on May 14th while on active pills. My period continued for about two weeks, maybe even a little longer. Then I had a break with little to no spotting and about 2 days with nothing at all. It is now June 1st, I am on my 3rd day of placebo pills, and I am now having another period. The thing is, ideally, my period wasn't supposed to start until the 11th. So I'm 10 days early! I haven't had sex, just attempted penetration but no ejaculation at all.. plus my doctor said I would be protected after 2 weeks but I waited 3 to fool around. What's going on? :(

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Hi Alexusann3333,

Thank you for your question.

Birth control can make your periods lighter, or cause you to miss periods or have less or more frequent, so what are experiencing is known to be common.

I hope this helps.
Be well,

June 1, 2016 - 9:39pm
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