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Could it be my age in my 40's and stomach acid is lower and not absorbing iron from my food. Supplement are killing my stomach, tongue and causing yeast overgrowth on my tongue and inside my body. I don't eat meat regularly but know alot of other women that are vegan and are just fine????
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Hello Anon
Thank you for writing.
You said you don't eat meat regularly but there is a big difference between that and being vegan.
If supplements are not working for you and you don't want to eat meat, you can find iron (from from :
Beans and lentils
Baked potatoes
Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach
Fortified breakfast cereals
Whole-grain and enriched breads
I'm not sure if being in your 40s is a cause. Iron is best absorbed with vitamins A and C.
A nutritionist can help you further.
October 30, 2019 - 3:37pmSusan
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